Chapter Three

Mulai dari awal

Then suddenly, I was tugged to the side. I let out a squeal as stumbled into someone, but immediately shut up when that someone turned out to be a Guardian. How did I know? Because it was Kate.

"Kate?" I could barely believe my eyes as they widened in disbelief. "You work here?" I asked her next but she shook her head.

She held up a form, "I just had my interview, but I will be working here, yes." I looked around us, but no one was interested in a teenager hiding in the shadows.

"You're confident," I mused, then, without waiting for a response, I went on to ask, "Do you know my story yet?"

Kate shook her head, "I don't have the tape, but there are two Guardians who work in this field," Kate began rummaging through her pockets, "They'll review your tape and give me and the other guardians all of the information we need to forge your records and back up your story if we have to." Kate explained, and finally found what she was fishing for.

She handed me a sheet of paper, "These are the Guardians that you have to look out for if you're ever in trouble," I nodded, taking the sheet from her hand and quickly tucking it in my pocket, "But make sure you're discreet, we don't want anyone drawing links between you and these Guardians." Kate continued to talk in a low voice, aware of all the people around us who could potentially hear.

Once she had told me what she needed to, her expression softened slightly. "How are you?" She asked me. Wasn't that just the question of the day.

I shuffled around on my feet for five seconds, "I'm not sure." I told her honestly and she nodded.

"You'll fit back in right away," She reassured me confidently, but I doubted that was true. "You won't have to make any new friends, and you have all of your stuff waiting for you back home," Reaching out, she placed an awkward palm on my shoulder and squeezed, "You'll be fine." She assured me before excusing herself and walking off.

I sighed; now there's only one more thing to do—meet my family. I wasn't sure who would come to collect me, maybe both of my parents, maybe just one, or maybe the neighbour from next door.

And so, after asking the receptionist where they'd be, I made way out of the corridor and into the lobby where I'd meet my parents for the first time in five months.

I nervously played with a strand of my hair as I neared the lobby double doors. I backed into the wall to breathe for a minute or two. Am I ready? I was wearing my school uniform—since I had to look as if I had been kidnapped—and because it was currently the summer holidays, I looked more than ridiculous walking through the halls. I patted down my hair, trying to calm the locks that I wasn't given a chance to dry with a hairdryer. I probably looked like a walking wasteland. But I had to do this.

I sidestepped back into the middle of the corridor and continued my walk of shame. I reached the the double doors. I couldn't see my parents. I took a deep breath and pushed open the door. The creak gave me away, and two heads snapped up at the sound.

In all sixteen years of my life, I have never seen my parents so happy. They both shot up and my mum did a beeline straight towards me, her usually tied back dirty blonde hair trailing behind her in a cascade of natural waves. Her hair wasn't as blonde as mine; it held an undertone of brown that had me wondering how on earth I got sunshine blessed locks. Her face was free of makeup, but jaded with stress marks. I had honestly never seen her look more humanely beautiful. She embraced me and held me in a bone-crushing hug, her fingers brushing my hair out gently.

Looking over my shoulder, I watched my dad join us—he looked like the polar opposite of the businessman he was in a sloppy combination of jeans and, by the looks of it, a probably two day old white t-shirt. His usually gelled back dark brown hair was unusually dishevelled and unkept, only being swept to the side by his fingers.

I squeezed my eyes shut again as he joined the hug. How did I not realise how much I missed them?

We all pulled away—my mother's jade eyes were teary, and my father's silver orbs were wide with amazement.

My mum threaded her fingers through mine, "Are you okay? Are you hurt?" She shot at me worriedly and I smiled.

"I'm fine." I assured her and she pressed her palm to my face as a tear slipped from her eye.

Out of the corner of my eye, something, or someone, shifted. I glanced around and felt as my heart stopped when my eyes landed on her.

"Alexi?" For the second time today, I couldn't believe my eyes. But then she grinned at me. I tore away from my parents and ran into her arms, letting her pull me into her arms just as my mother had.

It's a strange feeling—not knowing where your home is—but knowing these people are here, I think I'm somewhere in the middle—I'm somewhere in a world where people you know are your home and people you once knew are the reminders of a home you lost.


Well said, Sky

I mean me


Hi it's me Sky

And Jameson
And Carter (rip)
And Avery
And Cassie
And Saph
And Angela (rip)
And Alexi
And Eden (f you)
And Harry (you're just as bad)

I just have like this personality disorder idk

It's like choosing clothes


Oh wow it's like Thursday who do I want to be today

Oh you know I think I want to like cry over nothing

Let's be Sky

Lol ha #comedy

Or like

Oh I wanna be irrelevant and annoying

Time to be Carter then ha



Next update: sometime soon/Wednesday


This chapter continues on from where chapter three left off.

And it's equally as heart-wrenching/warming.

Sky finds herself stumbling back into her old life.

But get your 'I have trust problems' cap on, because there are some things that our protagonist just sometimes can't see.

And that's not just a chapter four warning.

(Maybe she's blind idk)

Hollows In Time (✔️) | 'Hollows' Book ⅡTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang