Chapter 10 - scars

Start from the beginning



"You traitor! H-how could you!?"

"Ha ha ha ha... What care do I have to save your crumbling kingdom?"

"Please! You don't have to do this! Think about all the things we've gone through!"

"Do you really think that I have grown some kind of feeling towards you? This has been my plan since day one!"

"Then do what ever you want to but don't involve her into this! Get her out from there!"

"I think that form presents her much better than real life, don't you think? She has been so useful to me. I want to keep her like that for the rest of my days as a memory of this very day."

"N-no... Get her out!"

"You idiot that won't do you any good!"


"Zelda..? Please open your eyes.."

"H-huh?" I gasped and recoiled up. I looked around. I was the vacant room. Link and Ganondorf were sitting next to the bed where I was. Ganondorf jumped up after he saw me and Link fell back down to his chair.

"Zelda, thank the gods you're okay. We feared the worst.." Ganondorf said in relief.

"Why am I not dead..?" I held my hand up in my forehead. "What happened? I can only remember that I got hit six times by the sword.. What happened next..?"

Link breathed heavily. "I.. Had to hit you to your head to get you unconsicious. That was the best way we could figure what to do with you without causing you any more pain. We brought the witch to the case and she tried her best to heal your wounds but I'm afraid you'll get scars for life of them.."

I looked at Link shocked. "...I can't remember anything.. I saw a weird dream.."

"Dream? While in a coma?" Ganondorf held his head up.

"How long was I passed out?"

"Only last night and this day. We're glad. Tell me more about your dream, will you?" Ganondorf continued.

"I-I... Didn't saw anything. I just heard things. Two people fighting. And the other one was shouting for my name... And.. Then I woke up."

Ganondorf scratched his head. "Zelda.. Tell me, do you often see dreams.. That could possibly come true..?"

"Now that I think of it.. Yes." I nodded.

"What kind of dreams have you been seeing lately?" Ganondorf asked.

"When still in Hyrule, I saw a dream one night, where two people dressed up in green and blue, were dancing under thousands of shattered golden pieces. I have no idea, what that could mean, but I have a feeling that that it could possibly have happened or it is going to happen." I shrugged.

Ganondorf was writing my sayings down.

"Hyrule.. That's the real question. How do we get you back home?" Link interrupted.

I sighed and sat up.

"Your highness, when Zelda went looking for the seven wise spirits, she was only able to find four of them, three of them still remain somewhere in the Kretalst Woods. Maybe she should go look for them, and if she happens to find them, we could use the power of the Triforce to get her back home. If the legends are true." Ganondorf held his eyes up from the book.

"No, that's far too dangerous." Link said angrily.

I didn't say anything.

"B-but your highness.. Zelda is stuck here for her whole life if we don't get our hands to our Triforce." Ganondorf tried to convidence Link.

"Our Triforce is destoryed." Link hissed.

"Enough about the Triforce!" I shouted. "I'll go and see what I can do." I stood up from the bed and walked to the door where my sword ans shield were. I grabbed them and opened the door.

"Zelda please! Listen to me! It's dangerous to go alone! You are injured! What if something happens to you? You can't take care of yourself while in that condition!" Link panicked.

"I refuse to accept the limitations people put on me." I said while not mentioning how much my whole body hurts and slammed the door shut.

I walked through the hallways and made my way to the front doors. I left the yard of the castle and started to walk towards the direction of Kretalst woods. It took long. Longer than the first time I went into here. My back hurts on every step I take but I must keep going.

"Kretalst woods ahead." I read.

"So, we meet again."

I have been wanting to post this chapter for a week now.. But i've been too busy playing *cough* TP *cough* I'll try to post atleast four chapters a week for now.

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