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Disclaimer if you are homophobic please stop reading this book as there will be some homosexuality (not sex) things going in from this point till a few chapters ahead !

Narrator Pov

The next two weeks was hell for every one involved , except for Amber who was due with a son soon.

Dario was stressed out because like I said upon there , Amber was due with a son soon meanwhile he hasn't even seen his first born son.  He came so accustomed to his son sleeping with them and him waking up to break feast but that all shit was over. She no longer answered his phone calls or texts. Diamond could honestly say she was done with Dario.

Diamonds first week at school was hell , all every one did was point and laugh at her but she wasn't the only girl who had a baby at 16. Diamonds birthday was a few months away , but she could care less as long as her son was fed that's all she cared about .

While Diamond was walking down the hall to meet Tez she was tripped. All of her books and binders and papers hit the floor. Tez came rushing  over with his boo thang.

"Who the fuck tripped my bestfriend cause any of you bitches can get it honestly ! She ain't been back in this bitch for a whole 5 days and y'all fucking wit her ! Knuck of you buck .." He said helping her up and cleaning up her things.

Right now , more then ever she was missing the kisses of her baby boy and his father but she refused to be weak minded.

By lunch time the bullying got way worst ! Some one who once ruled the school was now at the bottom of the food chain.

She ate her lunch in her Range Rover while listening to Erykah Badu's bag lady.

The salty tears and fries landed in her mouth as  she sat there wondering what the hell she ever did wrong. She glanced in the back seat and saw one of his blankets his father bought while she was pregnant.

She needed to get out of here while she could but she also needed to finish her education for Desmond. She put her big girl panties on and smiled at her self cleaned her self up and got out of her car.

She walked in that school with much confidence , she refused to be on the bottom of the food chain any longer.

She walked into her 7th out of 9th period of the day .



"He couldn't turn a hoe to a house wife?"

"Listen up and listen good ! You guys will no longer fuck wit her , it's not funny it's not cute .. She came back to get her education for her son , she's not here to start shit with any one or anybody CLEARLY ! Sit y'all 12 year old 'I sucked and f*cked her nigga' head ass down ! Mess wit her again and deal wit me , spread that around !" This very pretty light skinned girl said standing up for her . Diamond didn't like them standing up for her .

For the rest of the day nobody said shit to Diamond .

As she was heading out to her car she was stopped by the girl that helped her earlier.

"I'm Winter!" She said , Winter is very gay , but she knew Diamond wasn't , not even bi sexual. She usually didn't go for girls who had children nor bi girls, hell even straight girls well of course because they were way to complicated for her but she had been peeping her for awhile.

"Diamond .." Diamond responded weary to get close to another female because of how her last friendship ended. The girls chatted it up for a little bit before Diamond realized she had to go to Ms. Ruby's to get Desmond.

Once she arrived she seen Ritz's car in the drive way and got a little excited because she hadn't seen him in a while and a little annoyed because Ruby didn't tell her that he was coming to see her son.

She walked in the house and seen her son doing tummy time watching Paw Patrol. She cooed at him and once he realized it was her he started watching her and smiling. Diamonds hard day no longer mattered when she seen his brown skin face.

"Hello Dia, long time no see!" Dario said, she smiled at him and nodded her head because he looked good as hell and she missed the way his touch felt on her skin and the way he smelled but she would never let him know that.

"Hey Darius .. yeah mhm.. mama I'm here!" Diamond called out picking Desmond up and kissing his little cheeks as he smiled at her.

"I want to see my son, I have my rights you know .. I don't want another man around him! I want my family back baby." He pleaded and she smirked at him shaking her head.

"Every time I take your ass back you do something to hurt me Ritz and I am tired of trying to figure out why I am not good enough for you and why I will never be as good as her in YOUR eyes even though I cooked, I cleaned, I slept with you whenever you wanted. I learned everything you liked and held you down when you got locked up .. I tried everything in my power to fix us man I really did and that wasn't enough for you. Our son wasn't enough for you .. So you can want us back as much as you would like but you have a new family now and you can get your son whenever you want but I need to move on and let you go." She said tearing up, thinking about if she would've just been honest with him she would've never got involved with him.

"Ian moving on from you .. you the love of my life." He said kissing Desmond's head and leaving out the door.

"You were mine too" She mumbled, letting the last tear for Darius Boatner slip from her eye.


I want to finish this story so I will upload another chapter in an hour as well ..

Should she take him back or should she try it with the girl ??

Hai finito le parti pubblicate.

⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Feb 03, 2020 ⏰

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