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   Goal Digga (9)

Nine months pregnant , I haven't seen my sons father since the day before the beating . Three months and counting that's how long it's been , I haven't felt Desmond kick in 3 months . Everything is going bad for me . I get locked in my room while my father isn't home and a standard 3 meals a day consisting of a piece of bread , Bologna and one piece of broccoli with one bottle of water a week .

My mom is dumb as hell , I have snacks stashed every where . I have running water in my room , my dad knows nothing about this . Everything goes to normal when he's home .

I was laying in my bed , I felt a warm liquid glow down my pants and after that a lot of pain after that. I screamed out in hopes my mother would rush in , this is the day she's been waiting for .

I got up out of my bed and banged on the door for help .

"Burn you bitch ! You and that bastard baby !" She screamed at the top of her lungs , I heard liquid spill on the floor and soon after smelled smoke .

I couldn't exactly figure out why this woman hated me so much but I couldn't think about it now.  Another contraction hit and screamed out in pain grabbing ahold of my bed spread .

I dialed Ritz number and he answered first ring .

Me ; Ritz I'm in labor and the house is on fire my window won't break I don't know what to do !

Him ; I'm on my way ! Stay put , try to find breathable air .

He instructed me to stay on the phone with him as I have him my right address . I grabbed my pistol from out my drawer and shot at my windows . I forgot they were bullet proof because of the type of neighbor hood we live in .

Omniscient Pov

The bullet hit the window and came back hit Diamond in the chest . Her body fell to the ground , smoke filled her room she gasped for air even if it was polluted she needed it . Not just her but her son who was already at high risk .

Dario sped down the street , he heard the gun shot in the back round and a loud thump following it. He was sure they were both dead.

He arrived at the house and the fire truck was putting the fire out .

"There's a pregnant girl in there ! She's in labor and she's shot. Somebody please help her!" Dario was furious , his son was ready to come out and he might not even make it.

"Somebody is in there right now !" The firefighter told him , as on q the shot body came out with a cover over it. Dario ran to the body and got into the ambulance with it.

"She's lost a lot of blood." One stated , they obviously didn't have hope her or her child would make it.

"Hey ma , I need you to pull through. We can get through anything with the power of God himself. You carrying our beautiful baby boy in there and he needs you to breath for him. Can you do that ? Can you breath baby ? These paramedics are trying to save both of you but they can't do it if you're not fighting for both of your lives!" Dario spoke to Diamond while grabbing her hand , for the first time in months Desmond kicked and moved in his moms stomach. You could tell Diamond started to breath into the oxygen mask . Blood started to drip from Diamonds vagina as they pulled into the hospital.

"She's in labor ! She's going to need a caesarian section." EMS stated as they pushed her into a room , Dario ran closely behind.

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