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      Goal Digger (11)
Diamond Pov

Ritz had just left to handle some business , so that left me and little man with the house to our selves. I didn't know what to do in this big ass house so I just relaxed and watched movies all day.

Around 6 pm Ritz texted me he was on his way home and he had a long day. I wanted to make it better for him so I put Desmond to sleep in his own bed and showered and cleaned up my shaving skills.

I put on really cute lingerie and a bath rob over top of it. I let my hair flow down my back , I gained my weight back in all the right areas because every other day Ritz's mother invited us over there for dinner. She was growing on me , she loved my son and I to death . More of a mother then my actual mother was.

I heard a knocking at the door and walked down the stairs to answer. There stood Amber , she rolled her eyes at me and put her hand on her back . I watched her motion and seen a belly , a pregnant belly. She had to be 6 months .

"What's up Ashley ?" I asked still smiling in her face.

"It's Amber and Ritz told me to come over today so we could talk about our child !" She said pushing me out the way walking into my home.

"Well okay you can go sit in the living room !" I say behind her making sure my robe is tied up.

"What are you having ?" I asked curiously.

"A boy , we were thinking of naming him Dj !" She boasted , I nodded my head.

"Well I gotta go get dressed , we have to go to his moms house today ! Excuse me . " I excused myself and walked up the stairs letting each tear fall gently down my face. Right when I thought everything was getting better this bitch pregnant.

I put on a blue polo sweat suit and my black uggs with the bow I the back , I put some curls in my hair and was satisfied with my look , I dressed my son the same but with the boy uggs.

"Babe I'm home !" I heard him yell , I brought him downstairs in the car seat down stairs and brought his diaper bag.

He was really fussy today and it made me sad cause usually he was a happy baby.

I reached the bottom of the steps and put him and the diaper bag on the island , Ritz came over to kiss me but I just smiled and gave him my cheek.

"She's coming with us to moms house , mom would like to meet her !" He said , I nodded my head.

"Y'all ready ? " I asked , not the slightest bit annoyed.

She tried to grab my son from off the island but I assured her I could carry him.

Right when I down the stairs she bumped my hip and said

"Shot gun" with a sly smile.

I slid because there was ice in the drive way an almost dropped my son.

I made sure he was fastened in and walked to the other side of my Nissan Maxima , this is the only car I could get him to buy as a family car. Well it's my car but you catch my drift.

I got in and buckled my seatbelt , I looked and saw Rita's cum from the car sex we had just yesterday.

As we were driving down the road I saw her slid her hand into his lap and Ritz left it there. Just as this happened Tez called my phone.

Me ; Yesss baby boy ?

Tez ; Bitxh what you doing right now ?

Me ; Nothing as always why what's up ?

Goal DiggaDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora