The white dragon

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It's been 2 months now and I had to bleach my hair and cut it really short. I had no choice. It was so no one would recognize me. I kept Mason tucked under my cloak.

I had gotten a horse to ride. I was almost to fairy land. It was about a day's journey from here but I felt a pull to somewhere. I lead the horse in that direction. I came upon a beautiful place.

I stopped the horse and tied him to the tree. I slowly walk up to the waterfall and walk through it. I was amazed at what I saw. I saw the chest. I walked up to it and ran my hand across it. I open it and read the parchment.

It's time to become who you truly are.

I felt a warmth come through my body and I wrap my arms around Mason and close my eyes and felt us come up off the ground and we started spinning I tip my head back and we slowly lower back to the ground and when I open my eyes my hair felt longer and I looked down at Mason and his eyes were a brighter green and his hair was a little longer and looked even more just like his father's. He even grew a little more.

But then I notice white. I set down Mason and looked at my outfit it was black with white trim. I looked up and seen a full length mirror.

I walked over to it and I looked like my grandmother but I looked like I was ready for battle. My hair was very much longer and in a french braid.

I turned and noticed a sword. I walked up and picked it up and it glowed. I took my fighting stance and the sword handle turned into a dragon.

"I'm the white dragon." I say to myself. "Anthea come to me now." I pick up my bow and arrow and put it on. Anthea flies in and lands. Her eyes widen. "You're the white dragon Bella!" I nod my head. "Edward is the green dragon Anthea together we are powerful. This is why they try to stop me. We need to find Edward and take him to the lost city." I lay Mason on Anthea and place my Shield on Anthea and hook my sword to me. I put my helmet on and climb on Anthea and pick up Mason and put up an invisible spell around us.

"I see we have new magic now to." Anthea says. "Shut up and find your mate." She takes off and we look for Craigo and Edward.


It's been a month since Craigo and I seen anyone. Seth and I had to separate. I was really missing Bella and my son. We were flying when Craigo interrupted my thoughts.

"Anthea just told me we need to change course. I need to take you to the lost city." He told me. "Then what are you waiting for go." He turns and starts flying.

We been flying for days and I told Craigo to land since it was night and we needed to rest. I cleaned up and changed my clothes and as I sat by the fire Craigo was sleeping.

All of sudden Craigo lifts his head. "What is it Craigo?" I asked him. "Evil." Was all he said. I grab my sword. "Hide Craigo!" He nods and takes off.

Then I watch as Tanya walks up with bat like creatures beside her. "Tanya." She just smiles and walks around me. "I see you're alone." She says. "What makes you think I'm alone?" I ask her. "Edward don't look but I'm here." I heard Bella with my thought.

"No it can't be. I thought it was legend." Craigo says. "Craigo what the hell you're talking about?" I ask him with my mind. "The white dragon."

Then Bella flips down to the ground behind Tanya. She has a helmet on with a shield that has a dragon on it. Her outfit is black with white trim and her sword has a dragon on it's handle. White dragon. Bella was the white dragon.

I smile and step back against the tree. Tanya turns around. "Who are you?" Tanya asks. "Your worst nightmare." Bella takes off her helmet and drops it to the ground and then goes after the bat demons.

After she kills the last one she comes back up and thrust her sword up against Tanya but stops. "I need you to deliver a message to your boss. Tell him the white dragon is alive." Then she takes her sword and puts it away and grabs Tanya and spins her and lets go and Tanya goes flying.

"I thought you were going to kill her." I told Bella. "Yeah I wanted to." I walk up to Bella. "So you're the white dragon?" I asked her. "It would seem so." She says as she closes the gap and wraps her arms around me. I press my lips against hers and wrap my arms around her and pull her closer to me.

I pull away and lean my forehead against hers. "God I missed you. Where's Mason?" I asked her. She tips her head back. "Athena bring Mason Please."

Athena landed and there was a basket hooked to her. I let go of Bella and walked up to the Basket. There laid Mason and he looked exactly like me. He grew so much in the last 2 months. He held out his arms and I gently picked him up and held him close.

"It's time Edward." I turned and looked at Bella. "Time for what?" I ask. "I can't tell you that Edward. Just know it's your destiny just like this was my destiny. We need to go now." She took Mason out of my arms and placed him back in the basket and gave me a quick kiss. "Craigo come." Bella says as she grabs her shield and helmet and puts her helmet back on.

She climbs on Anthea. "We have another stop after this one. It's the last of the important dragon stuff then we have to make one last stop I think." I get on Craigo.

"You think." I shake my head and we take off.

I do not own all my characters in my story Stephanie Meyers does. I own the rest of the characters and the story.

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