it will come when you least expect

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I slowly got up and stood up. Another pain hit me and I wrap my arm around my stomach. "It's to early!" I told myself. "Bella you need to run now. Remember don't use your magic unless you have to." Athena told me. "But Athena I'm in.." She stops me.

"Go now!" Just then fireballs are being thrown everywhere. I start running trying to miss the fireballs hitting the ground. "Hold on little one please!" I told the baby as I ran as fast as I could.

I ran forever and the pains were getting worse. I finally found a cave and ran into it and put a protection spell around it. There was nothing I could do. I knew I was going to have this baby and I had to protect us.

I waved my hand and made sure there was a bed and a tent. "ERRRGGGHH!" Oh god that really hurt and I wished Edward was here. As I waved my hand over myself and made sure I had a nightgown on. I climbed into the bed and laid there.

"AARRRGGHH!" I screamed out. The pains were coming closer together and they were a lot stronger. All of a sudden I felt this great urge of pushing and I grabbed the headboard and squeezed it as I pushed and screamed out in so much pain.

I didn't know how long I pushed for before I felt the baby slide out. I looked down praying that the baby was alright.


As Craigo and I flew as fast as he could I could feel Bella shield up and feel a dull pain coming from her. But I knew she was in a lot more pain than I could feel.  

We finally came upon Athena and she was on the ground and we landed. Athena was injured but she will heal. But I didn't see Bella around. I walked up to Athena and placed my hand on the side of her face.

I was shown everything up until now. "Craigo protect Athena. I'll find Bella and then call you." He nods. I took off running with my sword drawn.

I ran for hours with no luck. I was about to give up when I could feel Bella's magic. But this was different. It was a protection spell like the one she placed on our special place.

I slowly walk until I found a cave and if you didn't know it you would not know it was hidden from the naked eye. I walked into it and I felt Bella but I also felt another presence.

I finally came upon a tent and slowly walked up to it and put my sword away. When I open the door Bella was laying in the bed sleeping with something in her arms laying beside her.

I walked up and sat on the edge of the bed and brush some hair out of Bella's face. Then the thing moved beside Bella. I adjusted myself and uncovered it and there laid a baby our baby.

Bella must of went into early labor and gave birth. I reached down and scooped the little child up in my arms. It opened it eyes and it had my eyes. "I see you met your son!" Bella told me. I turned my head and look down at Bella.

"My son?" Asking to be sure. "Yep! I guess he wanted to make a grand entrance a little early. So what are we going to name him because we can't just call him a he all the time." I chuckled.

"No I guess not. You have any ideas?" I asked her. She smiled. "How about Mason Anthony that way he has a part of you." I held his little hand in mine. "I think it's perfect. Mason you know what I'm proud of your mommy because she brought you into this world all by herself. I love you both so much." I leaned over and kissed Bella on top off the head.

"Get some rest cause we need to move as soon as you're up to it." Bella lays back down and it didn't take her long to fall back to asleep. I slowly got up with Mason in my arms. I waved my hand and a bassinet appeared.

I laid Mason down in it. "I promise you someday will be able to go home. But for now I will do my best to protect you and your mother." I told him as I tucked him in.


I woke up to Mason starting to cry and when I looked Edward was sleeping. I got up slowly and walked over to him.

"It's alright little one mommy right here." I waved my hand for a diaper and some wipes. So sue me for wanting it to be easy in this world to. Once I got him changed I gently scooped him up and went back to the bed and sat in the bed with Mason.

I waved my hand for a bottle but when I tried to give it to him he refused it. "Come on Mason you haven't eaten since I gave birth to you. So please for mommy eat." He still refused and I laid my head back against the headboard.

"What's wrong love?" Edward asked me. I turned my head and looked at Edward. "I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Mason is not eating. I keep trying to give him the bottle but he refuses it every time."

Edward sits up and scoots over next to me and strokes Mason cheek. "Give it time he will eat when he ready." Edward told me. "Maybe you're right!" Edward turns my face gently and presses his lips gently against mine.

I ended up gasping into Edward's mouth in shock when I felt Mason latch unto my breast and start sucking. I pulled away and looked down. Edward chuckled. "Well it would seem he was hungry just not what was in the bottle." Edward said. I reached with my free hand and smacked Edward in the arm.

"Not funny Cullen!" I told him. After Mason finally stopped eating we all fell asleep and I had Mason in my arms. When I heard like an explosion. I woke up and there was a shield around us. I gasped when I seen the fireball hit it.

I reached over and shook Edward as hard as I could with my one hand. "What is it Love?" That's when another fireball hit the shield. "Is that your shield?" Edward asked me. "No!" We both looked down at Mason whose eyes were open and both hands stood straight out. Edward and I looked at each other.

"We need to get out of here." Edward said and with that we appeared by Athena and Craigo. "What the.." We looked down at Mason. "You don't think he tapped into our powers do you?" I asked him.

"We don't have time to figure this out now." Edward took Mason into his arms and I climbed. on Craigo then Edward handed me Mason and climbed on behind us. "Athena follow us!" Edward told her.

As we were flying I started to get a bad feeling and I held Mason close to me. I start looking around and coming up behind us is the black smoke dragon. "EDWARD BEHIND US!" Edward looks behind us. "Craigo take us to the place in your stories." I looked at Edward confused. "Just trust me on this.' Edward told me. "I do trust you."

I did not know where we were going but I knew to trust Edward and he do everything he could to protect Mason and me.

I do not own all my characters in my story Stephanie Meyers does.

I own the rest of the characters and the story.

The Journey Begins Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now