Saving Bella

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I been here in this dungeon for weeks now. The guard opens the door and throws some fabric at me. "The master wants you to wear that!"

"And if I refuse!" He walks in and backs hands me. I grab the side of my face. This isn't the only time I've been hit or beaten or drugged for that matter. "There be more of that. Now put it on and I'll return for you."

I do what he says. But I can't believe I'm being made to wear this skimpy thing and what does he expect of me. The guard comes back in and chains my wrist up and leads me out and to some big room and makes me get down on my knees.

"Finally dress like the true goddess you are." Trivel walked up and grabbed my chin and moved my face side to side. "Take her and clean her up for our guest tonight but make sure she stays chain up. Don't need her escaping do we."

They dragged me away but I knew if I didn't do what they say I would be beaten again.


It's been a few weeks and we finally found Fritz. But He only agreed to have dinner tonight. Renee told me not to do anything harsh because if he does have her he could kill her right in front of us.

As we sat down at the table Fritz whispered into a guard's ear and he left the room. "Fritz it's so nice to see you after all this time." Renee told him.

"Yes it is Renee. So where is your husband Charlie these days?" He asked. I'm surprised you haven't heard Fritz Charlie left me."

Fritz looked surprise. Then I heard a gasp. I looked up to see Bella. I about choked on my food when I seen her in that outfit and the way they have hair.

You can tell they hurt her and they had chains on her wrist. "Excuse me a minute!" Fritz got up from his seat and walked up to Bella.

"You look very lovely Isabella!" He says as he gently reached up and stroked her cheek. She tried to back away.

I let out a small growl. Renee puts her hand on my shoulder. "My dear come sit with us." Fritz walks back to the table and sits.

They lead Bella to the table next to Fritz and made her kneel down next to him. Bella slowly looked at her mom and then at me.

You could see the tears she was trying to hold back. "ISABELLA EYES THIS WAY PLEASE!" She jumped when Fritz yelled at her.

He gripped her chin and force her to look at him. "I will not have you disrespect me or my guest by starring Isabella. Take her away and I will deal with her in a little bit." What did he mean by deal with her?

He excused himself and walked out. "Renee I don't know if I can take this." I whisper to her. "Edward I told you he will kill her if you do anything. Now cool it."

"ERRRGGHH!" Renee and I looked at each other and I tried to get up but Renee put a firm grip on me.

After we left I felt like I had to hit something. "RENEE I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU..." She put her hand over my mouth. "Stop he's listening and watching right now. You don't say one word until we get back to the others or she down for Edward."

With everything in me I wanted to go back there and get her out of there but I knew I couldn't.


I watched out the window as my mother and Edward left. I can't believe my mother is alive. As tears fell down my face as they almost disappeared Edward turned around and looked up.

All I could do is just stare back at him until I was pulled out of the window. I flew against the wall. "How dare you disrespect the master. Now you will be punished.

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