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He grabbed my arm, juat as he did, I kneed I'm in the stomach. He hunched over for a moment, before glaring at me.

"Stop," He warned.

I shook my head, "Why should I?"

"That's an order,"

"Ha! That's cute. I don't take orders from you. Or anyone. You got that?"

He stood there shaking his head at me. He went to walk away, when without warning, spun back around, and threw a punch. I quickly ducked, and rolled around him. Wrapping my arm around his neck, I tightened my grip.

"Oh, and don't touch me."

He didn't move. I didn't move. Nobody moved a muscle. I looked around, and saw no one was paying attention. Good. Maybe I can kill this guy and no one will ever notice.

I felt a hand on my shoulder, before a wave of pain took over. I lost feeling in my arms, and due to the pin, fell over. I was caught by Rick, who had already gotten up.

"I got this boys," He said grabbing my arm.

He dragged me back inside. I was brought back to my cell. Turns out Floyd is right down the hall from me. Not that I care or anything...Maybe I do maybe I dont. He's not a friend. I thought he was, but he isn't. Like I said, not like I care. I don't have time for friends. My life is too complex for them.

I laid on the floor, and just stared at the cieling. I'm BOOOOOOOOOORED! I don't know how long I stayed there for. Felt like hours. Days even.

An alarm went off! Finally somethings happening. Standing up, I walked over to the bars, to see four men walking down the hall. I thought they were gonna pass, but instead, they came straight to my cell, and opened the door. Surrounding me, they pulled me out, and strapped me to a wheelchair. Wheelchair? Really? Did they not have any hand trucks left?

I was wheeled down the hall, and another one...and another one...and another one...and guess what? Another one! We finally got to a room, where these people were standing with these guns in their hands.

"Don't wheel me over there." I warned. "We will have an issue. Don't wheel me over there!"

"Do you have a problem with needles?" The guy pushing me asked.

I shook my head, "No."


They wheeled me over to them. How dare they? I told them not to! Not like they'd listen to a prisoner like me though I expected them to do that. They one guy came over with a gun, and pressed it against my neck. I felt a  sharp pinch where he injected me, and shook my head.

"Ow! What the hell was in that."

"It's in there. Next!"

"What? What's in there? What did you assholes put in my neck?! I will sue you!"

"No you wont." A familiar voice said.

"Shut up Rick you just wait! I promise you I wi-

They taped my mouth shut!

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