Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

I was late to school the next day because no one woke me up. “Sorry I am late.” I say when I reach homeroom all hot and flushed. Travis the idiot left early so I had to run all the way to school. The day flew by and before I knew it I was sitting at lunch with Vixen.

“Nikki you are never going to guess what happened today!” I look at her with a questioning look while I pick out all the blood capsules.  “I managed to get the bonding right, using mind magic!” I look at her with a huge smile on my face. Vixen has been trying to get this right for ages.

“That is amazing, I am so proud of you.” I give her a huge and she frowns when she sees the blood sitting next to my food.


“No please don’t Vixen, I am fine.” I take a bite of my blood free wrap but it just does not taste the same.

“12 o’clock super-hot vampire coming your way!” I turn around to see Cole coming towards me with a huge smile on his face.  Someone is in a good mood today.

“Hey Nikki, hey Vixen.” We both say hey when he stands with his arms crossed over his chest. Today he is wearing black jeans and a grey shirt and leather jacket which makes my mouth water.

“Nikki I wanted to know if you are doing anything this weekend?” I think I just chocked on my food, I start to cough so take a sip of my drink to try and wash down the food stuck in the base of my throat. Well done Nikki a guy ask you out and you start to choke.

“Sorry went down the wrong way. Umm this weekend I don’t think I am doing anything.” I give him a smile and he laughs.

“Cool pick you up at seven on Saturday and make sure you wear something warm.” Just like that Cole is gone.

“Oh my god Nikki did, Cole just ask you out?” She is looking to where Cole was walking outside and being greeted by other vampires.

“We are just going as friends don’t get your panties in a twist.” I take another bite of my rap when my super hearing kicks in.

“You like him.” When she says that I blush. Damn I hate when I blush. Stupid pale skin.  

“You are just as bad as Travis.” She laughs and I shake my head.

“But you didn’t deny it Nikki.” Right then the bell and I was glad to leave for class. When school is was surprised to see that Drake came and picked us.

“Drake.” I smiled and gave him a hug. People that were around were looking and whispering especially the vampire’s. I wish people would mind their own business.

“Hey Nikki where is everyone else?” Right then Tabitha, Alex and Travis showed up. When we all stand together you can tell Travis and I are the odd ones out, with jet black hair while the other have blonde.

“What are you doing here?” Travis ask and I look to see more people staring.

“I am taking you all shopping. Mum wants us to buy some stuff for the ball. I have a list.” Tabitha squeals and I moan. I hate shopping.

“Here let me see.” I take the list and go through what we need to buy.

Order flowers

Pick up shoes

Tabitha and Nikki buy accessories

Boys get hair cuts

There wasn’t much but still urgg. “Come on let’s get this over with.”

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