Chapter 6

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Okay from now on im going to write this book in third person POV like the original series.

The tabby tom crept across the earth scattering leaves in his wake he had his had his eyes on a thrush pecking at some seeds. It was a rare chance to catch a bird since the tom was in Riverclan, and his clan was known for the fish they caught. Silently balancing his Weight on all four paws the dark tom slithered foward, the thrush was totally unaware of the danger. he took in a deep breath and prepared to pounce for the killing bite. He took a step back ready to pounce until the tom stepped on a twig that released a crunching sound. The thrush took off into the air letting out an alarmed cry, the tom deprately sprang into the air missed it. A she cat exploded out of the shadows and caught the thrush mid air in her jaws. She landed gracefully back onto the ground with the thrush still chirping terrified and whithering in her jaws. The baige she cat bit down on the small bird, the sound of the thrushes bones cracking echoed agaist the trees as the bird fell limp. "Nice catch Cheetahpaw!" The surprised tom complimented. "Thanks Rufflepaw, but you Were the one who brought it in my direction," Cheetahpaw purred. Just then a powerful black and white tom padded up to Cheetahpaw and Rufflepaw, his muscles rippling under his fur. "Great work both of you, Ferntail and I are quite impressed about what you two can accomplish together." The tom praised showing no emotion in his dark Amber eyes. "What Badgerpelt and I are trying to say is that we should hunt together more often, we could get plent of prey with just the four of us" Ferntail pranced up behind Badgerpelt from where Badgerpelt appeared. Cheetahpaw ducked her head in embarrassment placing her Thrush on the ground along with Rufflepaw licking his fur in pride. "It was nothing really." Cheethapaw beamed. "Yeah I guess" Rufflepaw mewed in return. "No it isnt nothing, it is impressive, now lets bring our prey back to the clan, I am going to get my aprrentice the biggest fish from the fresh kill pile!" Ferntail meowed pridefully. "What about you Badgerpelt?" She stared at him with sky blue eyes. "Yeah, Cheetahpaw can get prey for herself I don't care" Badgerpelt muttered at Cheetahpaw with an emotionless tone. Why cant he just be proud of me? I am sorry about hurting Alderpaw, but that happened two moons ago!
Cheetahpaw wondered. Badgerpelt had dissapeared in the bushes while Ferntail was growling "rotten, fishbrained, good for nothing cat." I heard Ferntail murmur glaring in the direction Badgerpelt had left. Cheetahpaw hung her head in dissapointment. "Cheer up Cheetahpaw, Badgerpelt is just a stupid furball, I think you did great!" Rufflepaw gazed at Cheetahpaw proudly. He rubbed his head along her muzzle purring, trying to cheer Cheetahpaws spirits. "Come on lets go back to our clan guys." Ferntail gestured with her tail towards the direction of camp. Ferntail takes one bound and dissapears behind the wall of sedges, "ok lets go Rufflepaw." Cheetahpaw whispers picking up her thrush and pushing through the sedges. Rufflepaw follows close behind picking up a trout he caught earlier. Cheetahpaw emerges on the other side of the sedge, where river marked the boundries of the Riverclan border. Cheetahpaw enjoyed the soothing sound of the river lapping among the shore and the fresh breeze ruffling her fur. Cheetahpaw was so focused on the sound of the river she barely heard Rufflepaws voice yank her out of her thoughts. "How did we get on Shadowclan territory?" Rufflepaw murmured. "Dear Starclan how did we not know? I knew Riverclan didn't have that many sedges even though I have only been an apprentice for two moons!" Cheetahpaw burst out. Rufflepaw let his ears fall flat, "Even our mentors didnt know, do you think we will get caught?-" Rufflepaw begain only to be cut off by a deep threatining voice. "What do you think your doing here?" Cheetahpaw froze in horror, fear trickled down her spine. Rufflepaw and Cheetahpaw spun around to face a huge dark tom snarling furiatedly, and a small gray apprentince. They both reeked of Shadowclan stench, Cheetahpaw forced herself not to gag as their scent bathed her nose. "S-sorry!" Rufflepaw stammered, fear rolling off his pelt in waves almost knocking Cheetahpaw off her paws. Cheetahpaws gaze traveled from the tom to the apprentince, Cheetahpaw froze every hair on her pelt rising in shock. The apprentince seemed familiar, she had the same gray pelt as... Pebblekit! It was Cheetahpaws sister. "P-Pebblekit? I mean Pebblepaw, you must be an apprentince now!" Cheetahpaw choaked back a cry of joy, her heart almost leaped out of her chest her sister was right in front of her after so long. Purring Cheetahpaw barreled Pebblepaw over and Pebblepaw returned that with a hiss. "Get off me Cheetahpaw! We are in different clans now, im sorry." Pebblepaw growled wriggling out from under her sister and shaking put her pelt. "This is your sister Foxwing was talking about when he brought you to Shadowclan?" Pebblepaws mentor stared at her surprised. "Yes, she is my sister Stoneclaw!" Pebblepaw lashed at her mentor. Rufflepaw took a step backwards awkwardly, while Cheetahpaw growled. "sorry for bing glad to see you." Cheetahpaw growled standing up. Pebblepaw rolled her her eyes and beckond for Cheetahpaw to come closer. Pebblepaw bent over and whispered in Cheetahpaws ear. "I am glad to see you, I just dont want to act glad in front of my mentor, ok just meet me here tonight." Pebblepaw whispered before pulling away to stand by her mentor. "Well you to go back to your territory before I report you to Crowstar." Stoneclaw hisses. Cheetahpaw casts one more glance at her sister before turning tail and racing after Rufflepaw towards the river. even though Rufflepaw seemed terrified Cheetahpaw couldn't help but squeal in joy, I get to see my sister tonight! Cheetahpaw felt as if her heart would explode with joy. As they came opon the river, Rufflepaw made no hesitation and plunged in starting swim swiftly to the other side. Cheetahpaw took in a deep breath ready to jump in when she chokes on the overwelming scent of shadowclan enters her mouth. Good think I have to cross the river, that will get any Shadowclan stench off my pelt Cheetahpaw pounders before diving into the blue depts of the river. Water closed over her head, before Cheetahpaw had time to swim to the surface, the current seemed to cling to her pelt and drag her under. Terrified Cheetahpaw flails her legs through the water trying to find a footing. Before she knew it she hit a stone and qas hurtled to the surface. Cheetahpaw drew in a deep breath filling her aching lungs with air at last. She forced her paws to straight before swiming rythmically through the water. She almost reacged the other side when a weight slammed into her side knocking the breath out of Cheetahpaw she was dragged under water once more. Opening her eyes she realised that the weight was Rufflepaws unconscious body. Lungs screaming for air Cheetahpaw kicks against the rocky floor of the river and breaks the surface of the river. Gasping for air Cheetahpaw churns her legs through the water towards the limp body of Rufflepaw. When she feels her paws hit fur Cheetahpaw dives under and grabs Rufflepaw by his scruff and pulls him above the water with massive effort. With Rufflepaws scruff in her mouth she gives a mighty shove against the rocky floor, water threatening to drag her down deeper, Cheetahpaws legs hits the other side of the river. With a massive heave she hauls herself and half Rufflepaws body onto Riverclans side of the river. Cheetahpaw flops onto the ground exhausted and taking in deep breaths. After regaining energy Cheetahpaw hauls Rufflepaw out of the river the rest of the way. "Rufflepaw? Rufflepaw wake up!" Cheetahpaw pants placing her paws on his chest and shaking him vigorously. Rufflepaws eyes flicker open as he convulses and hurls of a thick stream of water. He coughs and sputters realeasing all the water from his lungs he takes in a deep ragged breath. He weakly turns his head towards Cheetahpaw. "Thank you-" he begins before hacking uncontrollably he finds a breath and speaks again. "Im sorry, I tried to help you, bu-t I hit my head- everything went black." His voice crackles. "Shh get some air, dont be sorry you tried im going to take you back to camp." Cheetahpaw sooths stroking his head with her tail. He nodds and falls silent exept for the sound of his now steady breathing. Cheetahpaw sighs "Can you stand?" Rufflepaw looks at Cheetahpaw weakly. "I-I-I dont know" he stammers struggling to his paws. He sways unsteadily and falls back onto the ground reavealing a deep gash on his leg. Cheetahpaw gasps "you hurt yourself! I'll go get help!" Cheetahpaw assures him before dashing towards the direction of camp. She ran so fast she felt like she almost flew across the ground, trees flashed by as sge drew closer to the camp, just the Cheetahpaw collided with another cat. "Oof!" It was Frostbreeze, Badgerpelt, Brackenflight and Ferntail! "Where have you been where is Rufflepaw?-" Ferntail begins, but Cheetahpaw cuts her off. "No time to explain, Rufflepaw is hurt follow me!" Cheetahpaw pants before turning towards the direction of the river and tearing across the ground. She could feel worry from Ferntail and the patrol flow off of them in waves as they struggled to catch up to Cheetahpaw. Soon Rufflepaw came into sight, his soaked fur and slowly rising and falling flanks caught Cheetahpaws eye. Cheetahpaw pressed on even harder racing closer and closer to him by the second. Cheetahpaw barely noticed how fast she was going until Ferntail screeched from seeming miles away. "CHEETAHPAW SLOW DOWN!" But it was too late to stop Cheetahpaw suddenly was on top of Rufflepaw and they rolled into the river together. Cheetahpaw was so exhausted from running that she went limp in the river, until she felt teeth grip her scruff and jerk her the oppisite way from the current. Cheetahpaw felt like a pebble stuck under the river, the current pulled and tugged at her deprately, but she was being held back against the desprate tugs of rushing currents. Cheetahpaw looked up through the river and to her surprise saw Rufflepaw, dispite his injured leg he determinedly held on to Cheetahpaw, his feet planted in the river floor his head barely above the water. The current was threatening to sweep them away when Cheetahpaw forced her head above water and took a deep breath, regaining energy Cheetahpaw planted her feet on the river floor along with Rufflepaw. Rufflepaw released his grip on her scruff once Cheetahpaw was balanced and he started swiming uneven through the river towards the bank Cheetahpaw swam beside him and suported his shoulder so he wouldnt go under water because of his injured leg. Badgerpelts voice was barely heard over the roaring and splashing of the river. "Cheetahpaw? Rufflepaw?!? Where are you!?" He screeched. Cheetahpaw nodded to Rufflepaw that she would swim faster, the patrol was getting worried.  Just as they almost reached the bank a strong current swept them off their paws carrying them farther and farther downstream. Cheetahpaw stoped struggling and let herself sink into the deep blue water deeper and deeper.
Cheetahpaw woke up on the bank next to a sleeping Rufflepaw not even noticing it was night. Huh we must have been washed up here! Lucky we are alive! Cheetahpaw poundered  resting her tail on Rufflepaws injured leg, when she gently lifted it off she saw that her tail was soaked in his blood. "Rufflepaw your leg!" Cheetahpaw exclaimed bounding onto her paws. Rufflepaws eyes snaped open "Cheetahpaw, I will be fine I just need.... cobwebs I saw..... r....ainshine using it on... wounds." Rufflepaws voice broke off in heavy ragged breaths. Cheetahpaw nodded and turned her gaze to her surroundings for any sign of the silky webs. A shiny sparkle caught Cheetahpaws eye, it was a thick wad of cobwebs wedged in the branches of a nearby tree. Cheetahpaws ears perked up in hope as she made no hesitation to dash over and rip the cobwebs out of the low hanging branches of the tree. With the Sticky wad of cobwebs in Cheetahpaws jaws she darts back to Rufflepaws side. "Do you want me to wrap them on the wound?" Cheetahpaw
Asks Rufflepaw softly. "" Rufflepaw exhales softly wincing in pain. "You've
Lost too much blood Rufflepaw!" Cheetahpaw gasps pressing the cobwebs into Rufflepaws wound. He hisses in pain, but bites his lip and forces himself to stay still. Cheetahpaw sighs when blood soaks into the cobweb and slowly stops pulsing out all together. Rufflepaw let out a long breath of relief, "thats better" he mummbled fading into soft snores as he falls asleep. Cheetahpaw sighs in exhaustion realising how tired she was, she looks up in the sky and shock sends a pulse of fear down her spine. It was night, had it really been that long since we got out of the river? How far did we go down the river? Cheetahpaw poundered looking around. She didnt recognize anything, where are we im so tired where is the patrol? We are lost arent we? So many questions swam in Cheetahpaws mind. Cheetahpaw was too tired to question anything else she padded over to sleeping Rufflepaw and ran her tail over his injured leg. He let out a grunt and snaped his eyes open. "Where are we? Where is the clan why is it night?" Rufflepaws words spilled like a waterfall cascading over a cliff. Cheetahpaw rested her tail on his mouth to shush him, " I know we are lost the river must have taken us down farther than we expected, but for now, we need to rest, we will figure this out in the morning." Cheetahpaws voice turns into a yawn. "Yeah lets get some rest, should we get moss?" Rufflepaw drousily glances at Cheetahpaw. "We will be fine" Cheetahpaw mews curling into a tight ball beside Rufflepaw. Their steady breathing match each other as their flanks rise and fall into a rythm. I was supposed to meet my sister tonight and I dropped my thrush at shadowclan territory Cheetahpaw echos in her head in deep dissapointment before they slowly drift off into sleep.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 05, 2016 ⏰

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