Chapter 1

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Lolz sorry the story is in first person POV XD maybe I will change it to third person later 😺😺😺😺
The leaf fluttered and wirled through the air as it gently spiraled making a jagged pattern as it fell to the ground, It landed silently and delicatly. I closed my eyes and imagened it as a plump mouse scuffling at some seeds. I opened my eyes again and parted my jaws to let in any scent of other prey waft into my mouth, but all the scents of riverclan the nursery and the tangy scent of herbs smothered even the slightest scent of prey. I closed my jaws and concentrated my gaze on my current pretend-prey, I crouched down with all my scenses focused on the pretend mouse. I slithered foward like a snake, then I wiggled my hindquarters and lanched myself in the air, leting out a yowl of triumph as I landed squarely on the leaf-mouse. "Ha I caught it!" I squealed biting down on my prey. "Your going to be a exilerating hunter Cheetahkit!" Moondust purred chirped from her nest. I clamped my teeth down on my leaf and march over to my mother proudly, "here you go! The clan must be fed first!" I meowed puffing out my chest. "Why thank you, Cheetahkit!" Moondust mews amusingly to me playing along with my game. Just as I was about to speak, a heap of fur lands on my back and sends me plumeting  to the ground squealing. "Now I caught you Cheetahkit!" I glaced behind me and saw pale gray fur, It was my sister Pebblekit! I twisted around and wrenched myself out from under her grip immediately leaping onto my paws fixing my gaze on her thrashing tail. I shot foward with a squeal of determination as I felt my paws meet her body and barrel her over. She played dead as she purred "you got me!" I straightened up purring with satisfaction, but she then clawed my legs from under me as I lost my balence and fell on to the ground, I let out a squeal of shock. Adderkit who was watching us play from the corner of the den with his littlermates was churning his claws against the sandy floor of the den murmuring, but I didnt care what they were saying. "Ha ha come and get me!" Pebblekit teased bounding out of the nursery, I shook out my fur and darted after her. "Be careful now you too!" Moondust called to us as we entered the camp clearing. "I will!" I huffed still focused on catching pebblekit. I spotted her hiding under the legs of Mudtail. "I see that you are hiding from your sister Cheetahkit!" Mudtail purred at her "shhh! Dont let her see me!" Pebblekit whispered crouching down lower. Mudtail blinked and looked around like nothing was going on, as he did Nightwhisper who was watching from the elders den with Foxtooth purred "little furballs, reminds me of when I was younger." I looked at Pebblekit hiding under Mudtail I'm smarter than that! I thought to myself. I sank to the ground, keeping low on my paws as I slide across the soft ground. I crep foward until I was just behind Mudtail and Pebblekit without either one of them noticing, I let out a triumphant mew and pounced on my sister's waving tail. She squealed in exitment and batted my ears as Mudtail scrambled away in surprise from my ambush. I battered Pebblekit's ears in return until we finally flopped on to the ground giggling. "What a game!" Pebblekit puffed. Mudtail purred at us and padded away joining Robinwing Poppynose and Badgerpelt who were eating a huge hawk together. "Yeah" I replied. I gazed around at the camp, it was so big, so many cats! Shadeleaf and Foxtooth, two elders, were dozing in a patch of sunlight, while Rainshine appears out of a sedge with a jaw full of herbs. Mintpaw and Larkpaw where chasing each other exitedly across the edge of the, while Mistystar and her deputy Dustclaw were chattering together near the leader's den. I noticed how old Mistystar looked, her muzzle was white and her fur was in clumps, she looked very tired. Then I realised she was on her eighth life, she was very old. "Wow, pebblekit the camp is so big!" I gasped. Her only response was a nod, she was too busy gaping at her surroundings. I rested my head on my paws "when do you think we will become apprentinces?" I mewed tipping my head to the side in wonder at pebblekit. She looked at me  "Just one more moon!" She answered grinning. As I purred I suddenly felt something sharp clamp down on my tail as I yowled in pain and whiped around to see who it was. It was Adderkit who was biting on my tail but, rufflekit and Applekit was behind him, all Thrushwing's kits "We will become apprentices tomorrow" adderkit boasted realeasing his grip on my tail. I hissed lashing my tail "why don't you shut up mousebrain! We will be apprentices in one moon anyways." I growled "yeah! Leave us alone." Pebblekit hissed. "aww the little kit is upset because she is too young to be an apprentice" Adderkit snarled looking smug mockingly "what are you gonna do about it kit?" He laughed. I had enough, I screeched in blazing rage and lunged at him, knocking into him, and sending him flying with blood spattering all over my fur. he screeched in surprise as he hit the ground with a loud thump. "Hey! Stop it you two!" I turned around to see Thrushwing lashing her tail angrily her eyes blazing, with Moondust growling behind her. "You too should not be fighting each other you are from the same clan!" Moondust scolded us. I realized that adderpaw looked pretty hurt and was bleeding around his ear, while Rufflekit and Applekit were crowding arround him murmuring in shock. Cats  were emerging from their den to see what all the commotion was about, Nightwhisper and shadeleaf were both gaping and the damage I had done to alderkit, Even Pebblekit looked surprised, I lowered my head in guilt. "Sorry Thrushwing, sorry Moondust." I muttered. Moondust walked up to me "it's ok, but you can't ever do that again" she sighed licking my ears. Thrushwing wailed "Adderkit? Are you ok?" Thrushwing was standing over Adderkit while he lay with his eyes closed on the ground. "Adderkit!" Thrushwing's mate, Badgerpelt cried rushing to Adderkit's side. what have I done? I said to myself in disbelief. "Rainshine! Rainshine we need help!" Thrushwing cried out. Rainshine slipped out of her den, "what is it?" She asked trotting over to Thrushwing. She looked at Adderkit and suddenly tore across the camp to her den, a few moments later she raced out with cobwebs in her jaws then she wrapped them around Adderkit's ear, I looked around my face red at all the shocked and worried faces of my clanmates. "Badgerpelt get some moss from my den and soak it in water for Adderpaw to drink." Rainshine ordered. He raced off, Thrushwing stroked Adderkit's back with her tail "There there just rest." She soothed. Adderkit blinked open his eyes. "My belly hurts" He croaked. Thrushwing looked at his stomach and gasped. It was bleeding with a deep cut running down his chest. "It looks bad" Rainshine meowed. I did that? I thought in horror, just then Badgerpelt returned with soaking wet moss, Rainshine took it and started letting the water drip into Adderkit's mouth. He drank it thirstily. "He will be fine, but he needs to sleep in my den for a day until he recovers." Rainshine sighs. Thrushwing suddenly whips around and glares at me "I can't believe you did this to my son! I refuse to take care of you anymore!" Thrushwing hisses. "Hey! What about her getting fed? She needs milk! And I dont have any!" Moondust growls at Thrushwing. "She is old enough to eat from the fresh kill pile." Thrushwing argues. "I refuse to take care of her and her sister anymore, they are too violent for my kits." She hisses then stalks away with applekit and rufflekit. Rainshine suddenly starts licking my ears "Mousebrain, don't do that again now you wont be fed by Thrushwing anymore." She mutters through licks. I was surprised by the attention she showed me, she wasn't my mother! Moondust is. I pushed her away and stomped to the nursery with pebblekit following, while Rainshine and Badgerpelt helped drag Adderkit into the medicine den. "Its ok you can eat from the freshkill pile anyway" Moondust assures me as I sit down next to her I wonder what prey tastes like? I thought to myself "i'm tired" pebblekit yawned. "Yes kits we had enough happening today now lets get some sleep." Moondust purrs sweeping us to her belly with her tail. She lays down in her nest while pebblekit curls up next to her. I settle down next to them, when I found a nice comfortable spot, I realised how tired I was as I let sleep consume me.
I blinked my eyes open as thick golden sunlight drifted into the den I stretched and shook out my pelt drousily, Pebblekit and Moondust were still asleep, but something had woken me up. I looked at Thrushwing and her kits, but they were snoozing as well. Confused, I padded to the entrance, when the strong odor of smoke hit me, I looked outside and saw fire blazing and crackling as it scorched the trees. I squealed, "Fire the camp is on fire!" ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Be sure to check out the next chapter (when I publish it or if it is already published)

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