Chapter 5

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I couldnt shake the thought of Moondust backing away from me, it bothered me to the point of annoyance. Soon though I forgot all about it when Mistystar called me foward. "I call all my starclan ancestors to look down on this kit, no this apprentice. Even though most might not know what her name means, I believe that she will one day become a great warrior." Mistystar rasps from her place on her den "Badgerpelt, you are a strong loyal warrior and I can already see that Cheetahkit will be the same by how she plays, I see how strong she looks and how she has already gained the skills of an apprentice. So I think you would be the perfect mentor." Mistystar flicks her tail while Badgerpelt looks up at her in shock, I remember how he didnt really like me after what I had done to his kit Adderpaw. "Teach Cheetahpaw well Badgerpelt, one day she might be just as strong as you." Mistystar dips her head as voices sprout all around the clearing, "Cheetahpaw! Cheetahpaw! Cheetahpaw." Robinwing, Foxtooth, Feathertail, and Larkpaw, join in on the chanting and soon after Moondust raises her head in the air and yowls my name too."Cheetahpaw! Cheetahpaw!"  I gaze around purring at my praises untill I meet eyes with Rainshine who was watching from the medicine den, her eyes were filled with deep distress. What was wrong with her she should be happy I thought, then I assured myself its not any of my concern anyways I got up and touched noses with Badgerpelt forgeting about Rainshine. Badgerpelt touched noses with me briefly then jerked away grunting. As the chanting died down cats turned to return to their original tasks, Mistystar even hopped off her den and started talking to Moondust, her joyfulness made her look younger than ever. Just as I was about to ask Badgerpelt what we were going to do next Breezeclaw confronts badgerpelt purring. I remember how they are close friends as Breezeclaw gives him a flick with his tail im congratulations and starts talking with him quietly. I sit down impatiently until Breezeclaw finishes his conversation and padds over to Mistystar and Moondust. "So, what are we going to do next?" I grin at Badgerpelt. "Um, you need to learn how an apprentice works, and that is replacing the elders moss and picking their ticks out." He informs not even glancing once at me, my tail droops. "Ok I guess, should I take out their ticks or clean their moss?" I ask sighing. "Both now get on it." He orders pointing his tail at the elders den "who died and made you leader? oh wait no one did its just you think being my mentor gives you sooo much power over me." I mutter under my breath while trudging past him towards the elders den. my pelt crawls as I feel his gaze burning in my back, I entered the medicine den feeling relief that he was no longer looking at me. "Rainshine can I use some mousebile?" I asked. "Why pf course dear, I mean- Cheetahpaw, so how was your first day of being an apprentice?" Rainshine purred. "It was ok I guess." I shift uncomfortably, Rainshine suddenly rips out a stick covered in mouse bile out of her herb storage and stumbles to the gorund cursing. "Fish guts!" She hisses in annoyance shaking out her pelt. "What happened?" I choaked back a giggle. "I just didnt expect this stick to come out of this little bush so easily." She huffed handing me the stick covered in mousebile. "I remember my first day as an apprentice, I chose to be a medicine cat to be trained by Willowshine, but she died a while after I became a fully trained medicine cat from greencough," Rainshine mewed. "Thanks for the mouse bile!" I dip my head and exit the medicine den and turn towards the elders den. So much for the first assignment as an apprentice, and I get a fish-brained mentor
I think to myself before I enter the elders den.------------------------------------------------------------

~Oh and sorry for making this story in first person pov XD the story gets more interesting later~

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