chapter 2

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I let out a raucous cry trying to warn the clan,  but most of the clan were already awake and fully alert. Foxtooth and Nightwhisper were at the entrance of the elders den staring in horror at the ravenous blazing flames of the fire. Badgerpelt,  Troutleap, Robinwing, Sunriver and Brackenflight were all shoving and pushing thier way around each other  as they shot across the camp in all directions, unsure what to do. Everyone was in a commotion. Thrushwing drew her crying kits close to her with fear clouding any other emotion in her eyes. I was seized with fear, I couldn't move, my paws felt rooted to the ground, until Moondust gripped my scruff and Pebblekit's as she darted out of the den. Just as Mistystar hurtled out of her den "Riverclan, get to the river!"  She ordered, her voice just a faint cry from over the roaring fire. Everyone obeyed, pouring out of the camp trying desperately to escape the feasting flames of the fire. Moondust turned and raced after her clanmates, as she tore across the ash covered ground after her clanmates, Pebblekit sliped out of her grip wailing as she rolled across the ground dissapearing into the billowing smoke. Pebblekit's wailing faded away under the crackling howls of the fire Moondust glanced at where pebblekit dissapeared, then she took a couple more steps towards the camp entrance so that we were close to our escaping clanmates. Moondust placed me down and started yowling Pebblekit's name searching frantically for my sister. "Cheetahkit, follow the clan, they will protect you, I am going to find your sister!" she yowled to me over the sounds of crackling flames and screeching cats. Then, she disapeared through the hissing smoke. I stumbled away from my clanmates and started to look for Pebblekit as well, knowing I was disobeying my mother. I scrambled into the vast smoke, feeling it close in behind me. I felt smothered by the mass of it pressing in on my lungs harder and harder everytime I forced in a breath, but I shook off the ashes dappeling my fur and pressed onwards, determined to find my sister. After walking through the seemingly endless fog I broke into a stride. "Pebblekit! Pebblekit!" I yowled on the top of my lungs, but my voice was drowned by the roaring of fire and hissing smoke. The fire seemed to be scourching the trees high above my head sending blood red shades over my ash and smoke stained fur. I gazed around trying to focus my eyes so I could see through the smoke, it was no use all I could see was just my shadow, the colors of the fire casted through the smoke, and the shadows of  nearby trees. Wait, trees! I thought gathering my hope, I needed to head towards the trees. I took in a breath only to choke on smoke, I exhaled wheezing and forced myself to take in a breath of the dirty air. I head towards the trees half dragging my exausted paws across the ground. It had been a while and I had reached the trees, but I felt so weak from the smoke and all the scrapes and scrathes I had on my legs. I collapsed to the ground breathless. I tried desperately focus my eyes  through the smoke again, but no matter how hard I tried to see through it, I couldnt. With my eyes stinging and watery. I let out an agonizing groan trying to stand back on my paws, I felt my legs buckle beneath me and I stumbled back on the the ground weakly. My lungs ached and my eyes were half closed, I felt the last drop of hope wrench away from my grip. No there has to be a way to get out of this, I have to try and find someone, I told my self in my head. Sucking in a choking breath, I heaved myself to my paws swaying unbalanced I let out a croak "h-elp." I broke into a hacking cough. The only answer was the roaring flames of the fire and billowing smoke smothering my vision. I gasped, desprate for fresh air as smoke stung my eyes and throat. I had almost lost hope again until heard a faint voice over the erie sounds of the fire, "Cheetahkit! Pebblekit!" It was Moondust! Gathering the last drop of my strength, I forced myself to stand. I limped towards sound of my mothers voice whincing at the pain. "mother!" I croaked out desperately my voice ending in another bought of wheezing. I force my eyes open to spot her faint figure through the smoke, relief flooded my body as I staggered towards her hacking and coughing at the stinging smoke and ash. I hesitated as I hear a creaking sound above the sound of the fire, I froze not daring to look up horrified at what I might see. I took another glance at Moondusts figure as a colossal tree hurtled down, slicing through the smoke and crashing into the earth with a loud groan as bark and ashes showered the ground. The tree had cut off the path to Moondust blocking even a faint outline of her. I gritted my teeth biting back a hiss of frustration, just then the fallen tree burst into flames glowing threateningly close to my pelt. I leaped backwards in shock and threw my self in the direction away from the burning tree. I hurtled through the smoke the blood roaring in my ears, I come in earshot with a small voice just  a little way through the smoke and fire. I determindly fought my way to it with smoke stinging my eyes and throat. Until I saw a couple figures standing just on the other side of a boulder. I clawed my way up on the boulder ready to call for help until I realised another cat from a different clan was with a riverclan cat. I realized through the smoldering smoke the riverclan cat was holding pebblekit in their jaws, Pebblekit was unconscious though. "Here, Foxwing take good care of her now we can both have one kit." It was Rainshine! I listened to their conversation. "I will I promise thank you Rainshine" Foxwing meowed. Rainshine handed him Pebblekit and he turned and leaped through the smoke dissapearing. Rainshine slowly flicked her tail and turned  heading in my direction, then she spotted me on top of the boulder. "Cheetahkit? Oh great starclan!  Are you ok?" She wailed to me. I tried to respond but I just hacked weakly and fell to the ground, closing my eyes. I felt teeth grip mry scruff as my mind slowly slid into darkness.
I woke up in a nest of moss, my surroundings were unfamiliar as I remembered about the fire, my lungs ached and I coughed weakly. "Cheetahkit? Cheetahkit is awake!" It was Rainshine who spoke. Moondust exploded out of the bushes and stood over me covering me in licks. "Cheetahkit i'm so sorry, I couldn't find your sister." Moondust voice cracked in sorrow. It felt like a cat had clawed my heart pain seared it like it was a piece of prey that was just caught. I just sighed and buried my muzzle deep under my paws. Then I remembered how the Shadowclan warrior, Foxwing had taken my sister. "I saw someone take her away from Rainshine!" I wailed straightening up. Rainshine eyes lit up nervously. "Oh cheetahkit, i'm so sorry, you know how your father died in shadowclan?" Rainshine meowed. "Yes?" I replied, feeling a worm of anxiety churn in my stomach. It was Moondust who spoke next "Rainshine told me that Pebblekit chose to be in the clan where her father died, so during the fire Foxwing volenteered to take her to Shadowclan." Moondust assured me passing nervous glances with Rainshine. I tore at my nest angrily, why would my sister want to leave the best clan in the forest for a stinky clan that lives near marshes? "Where are we?" I sneezed. "We are in a makeshift camp, I had to carry you out of the smoke to join the rest of the clan by the river." Rainshine murmured stroking my back with her tail. "Oh" I growled, I wanted to be with Pebblekit, but I probably wont see her again, I thought choking back a sob. "Why did Pebblekit have to leave?" I wailed tearing at my nest again. Moondust and Rainshine exchanged sorrowful glances. "i'm so sorry Cheetahkit." They both soothed. Brackenflight appeared through some branches carrying a stick dripping with succulent, golden honey. "Here is some honey for Cheetahkit." she grumbled around the stick in her mouth. She gave it to Rainshine who let it drip in my mouth. I let the sticky thick honey slide soothingly down my sore throat. I swallowed satisfied at the sense, then I curled deeper in my nest swallowing back threatining lonesomeness. As I drifted into sleep I heard Moondust and Rainshine whispering, "do you think she will take the story?" Moondust murmured. "I'm sure we have nothing to worry about." Rainshine replied. I really didnt care what they were talking about, I just wanted to forget about the dreadful experience. I finnaly realized how exausted I was from fighting through all the smoke swallowing anything in it's path, all the threatining roaring fire vowing to swallow anything that dared confront it.
That night I had a nightmare, I was calling and calling for help, but the only reply was faint whispering. Smoke engulfed everything and the roaring, blazing fire drowned any other sound besides mine and the whispering. I started trotting towards the whispering gaining more andn more speed until I flew across the ground going head over heal trying to reach the whispering. Ashes scathed my face as I strode through the smoke, and smoke scorched my lungs, but I pushed onwards. Hoping to find anything, just any spark of hope, then I saw a cat just standing through the smoke. I tore through the smoke breaking through on the other side, just then the smoke receded away. And there I saw an unfimiliar cat, he was almost see through. "Greetings little one, I am Ravenshadow." Ravenshadow mewed dipping his head to me. I nervously took a step back. " um... w..w.. who are you? am. I?" I stammered shaking. "You are in the darkforest, Cheetahkit, I have been watching you and might I say, I am impressed!" He grinned proudly weaving around me. "Wh..what d..o you m..m...mean?" I continued to studder. He lets out a soft merrow of laughter, "the way you showed that mousebrain Adderkit who's boss, i'm impressed, now he probably has some scars to remember not to mess with you." His words seemed to echo in the eternal depts of shadows and mist. "I'm sorry about hurting him" I hung my head in shame. "No, dont be so ashamed now, you should be proud of yourself, you already are acting like a warrior." He whispered in my ear. I swallowed my burning guilt at his compliment, "Thanks, Ravenshadow!" His eyes glinted through the fog. "Stay strong little one, I will be watching." His words echoed all around me as his image faded as well as the darkforest. I woke up snapping open my eyes, Robinwing, Mudtail, Sunriver, Dustclaw, Mistystar, Moondust and Rainshine were all crowding around me murmuring. "Huh.....? Why are you all crowding me?" I mewed sleepily. "Oh my, Cheetahkit! Your ok!!! Most the clan came to check on you because you were unconscious for so long." Moondust purrs covering me in licks. "What a strong kit you have, I would think any kit wouldnt last that long in all that smoke, but look at you now." Mistystar compliments. I blush wow a compliment from the clan leader! I really am tough! I thought to myself. All my clanmates start purring at me. Since when did I become so special? Then I heard Ravenshadows words echo in my head. "Stay strong little one, I will be watching."-----------------------

Hey! Be sure to check out my next chapter! Thx for reading and be sure to vote for it!

Cheetahscar's RageOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora