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Leah's pov-
Alex said "Why?" "Because I'm not worth all this crap." "You are too." We just sat on the trampoline crying. Lisa came out and we all wiped away our tears. Alex said "This will just between us three." "What will be honey." "Leah wants fried chicken for dinner." "Okay." She went inside and Jack said "Now go upstairs and get ready for your party."

I went upstairs and I grabbed my white floral sundress. I put it on along with my jean jacket. I slipped on my sandals. I touched up on my makeup.

Alex's pov-
"I feel so stupid. I should have saw it coming." "Alex it's not your fault when Vic comes over we can ask him for help like how can we help her." Said Jack. "Whatever we do. We don't tell Lisa."

Leah's pov-
I walked back downstairs to see my Dad and my uncle Jack talking. I opened the front door because the doorbell rang to see Pierce The Veil. Jamie said "Little Chica." I hugged him and Vic said "Congrats on the cheer team." "Thanks." Mike handed me roses and Tony hugged me.

I said "I'll be back I'm going to put these in a vase." I went into the kitchen and put the roses into a vase. Black Veil Brides came in and then Sleeping With Sirens came. After that it went from Of Mice & Men to SWMRS. I sat down on the couch and Vic said "So cheerleader."

"It's not confirmed I am going to be on the squad Vic." "Well you should be placed on it." Uncle Jack came up to me and said "Leah. Lisa wants you in the kitchen to go help." "Okay." I said "I'll be back Vic." I left to go to the kitchen and I saw my Dad and Jack talking to Vic now. They better not be telling him what I think they are.

Alex's pov-
"Vic we need some help." "Yeah what's up?" "Well me and Jack both found out about Leah self harming. Please help us." "Poor chica." "Can you please tell us how you handle it?" "Well if you want. When we go on tour next week you guys, Sleeping With Sirens and Of Mice & Men. You should bring her along so we can all help her."

"Sounds great. I'll tell Lisa it's for a father daughter trip." "Wait...Lisa doesn't know!" "Yeah she doesn't need to. She will just freak out and make it more dramatic then this needs to be." "Alex I think your wife should know about your guys daughter self harming." "Please Vic keep it a secret." "Fine but you have to tell her eventually." "Okay I will thanks bro." I hugged him.

Leah's pov-
"You called me Mom?" "Yeah. Do you want me to bake some cookies?" "No I think the cake and the doughnuts Kellin brought should be enough." "Okay." I went back out and Kellin said "Hey cheerleader." "You realize I'm not on the squad yet." "Yeah but I feel like you will be." "Whatever." I sat down on the staircase.

Kellin said "I'm guessing try outs went by like crap." "Yep." He sat down next to me and he said "You realize if you don't become a cheerleader you deserve better then them." "Thanks Kellin." He hugged me and said "Are you going to miss your dad on tour?" "Yep." He said "You guys will probably end up FaceTiming every night." "Probably."

Austin said "GUYS JAIME IS CLAIMING HE CAN DO A BACKFLIP!" Everyone left to go see what Jaime is living up to. Kellin said "Should we?" "Sure." We both got up and watched Jaime saying "I'm telling you I can do one." He was in position close to the pool before he can flip Mike pushed him in.

We were all laughing. At the end of the party it ended up being all of us being pushed in and splashing each other in the pool. Kellin picked me up and threw me in. Rian said "TO THE FUTURE CHEERLEADER!" We all clapped and cheered.

When the party ended I went upstairs and took my shower. I got changed into my pajamas as I walking downstairs I heard Lisa and my dad talking. "Lisa can I please take Leah on tour?" "Why? She needs to go to school." "Why? Because I feel like it will be good for her to see America." "Fine Alex but you promise she will be in safe hands." "Yes Lisa she will be."

I went back into my room and started pacing. "What made him want to take me on tour? He couldn't have told Vic would he? He hasn't even told Lisa what would make he want to tell Vic? Oh my god he probably did and he wants me to under parental control all the time!" I laid on my bed and groaned into my pillow.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2017 ⏰

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