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Leah's pov-

I sat on my bed thinking. I went threw a full day of school only getting hit twice and a plate full of meatloaf hitting me. I sighed and Alex came in "Hey Leah try outs are today you excited." "I guess I kinda want to not go."

"Why not?" "Because I'm not felixaeble." "So what who cares." "I won't make the team." He sighed and said "Leah look at me you deserve to be on that team then anyone." "Okay but you're only saying that because your my dad." "I'll drive you." I got changed into a top and some short. I slipped on some sandals. I threw on a ton of bracelets because of yesterday.

I got in his car and Lisa said "HAVE FUN! YOULL MAKE IT HUNNY!" I waved and we drove off to hell. Once we arrived Alex said "I'll be out here waiting for you." "Don't you have to go do something." "It's cool I'll write a new song in here." He somehow got his guitar out from the backseat. "Have fun good luck you will make it."

I sighed and headed inside the school to see all the cheerleaders sigh. "Looks who's here." "Oh god Leah the slut." I pushed back tears and went into the gym to see the team of cheer captains. "Leah Michelle Gaskarth." "Yes." "Do a cartwheel." I did one and they all wrote down notes. "Leah your not skinny enough to be a cheerleader."

I felt tears coming and then Jessica the leader said "Go die in a whole." She pushed me down and I fell." They all left and laughed. I started to cry on the floor of the gym. Someone came in and said "Excuse me." I looked up and saw the quarter back from the football team. "What do you need." I said as wiping tears away from my eyes.

"I just wanted to say you are skinny and you are enough to be a cheerleader." He grabbed my hand and helped me up. "Thanks why are you helping me I'm just an outcast." "I see real talent." "Whatever." "I'm Nick by the way." "Leah." He grabbed the camera on the table and said "This is mine."

"You do photography?" "Yeah well here and there my parents say I won't get a scholarship from that." I grabbed it and saw his photos. "These are amazing." "Thanks what do you like doing Leah?" "Umm nothing really." "Cmon you must like doing something." "Nope." He handed me his camera and said "Take 100 pictures and come back to me with them and see if photography is for you."

I was about to speak then he put his finger over my mouth and said "Go do it." "Okay." I headed out the door and I yelled "WHEN WILL I SEE YOU AGAIN!" "SOON!" I sighed and held his camera. Alex saw me and said "LEAH!" I sighed and headed towards the car. "So how was it." "I would rather not say." "Okay just tell us when we get home you're into photography!" "Umm I don't know yet."

We headed home and I saw Rian and Zack outside hanging up a banner that said "Future Cheerleader!" "Thanks guys." I walked inside and saw Lisa baking a cake and Jack eating the batter of the cake. Lisa said "There she is my little cheerleader." "Yeah mom." I grabbed his camera and yelled "ILL BE OUTSIDE!" I started to take just random photos.

Jack saw me and said "Leah how did it go?" "Do you want truth or a lie." "Truth." He sat on the trampoline with me. "Well in total I'm to fat to be a cheerleader." He pulled me into a hug and said "You're not to fat Leah." I started to cry into his shirt. "Shh shh it's okay Leah." "Jack I'm to fat I don't deserve any of this." He started to pull me in tighter. He was rubbing my arm when he noticed something I didn't want him to notice.

"Leah what happened there." I looked down and saw the cut marks. "I'm sorry." I started to cry even more and Jack started to cry Alex came out and said "What's going on?" "Alex check her wrist." Alex saw and said "Leah." We were all three on the trampoline crying. Great Leah just great amazing way to ruin everyone.

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