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I woke up in bed and saw Jack standing above me with a bucket of water. "Hello."

"Aww fuck Alex the child's awake."

Alex came in and said "Good morning sweetie." "Hey dad what's for breakfast." "Umm eggs and toast."

"Really you made breakfast." "Just kidding Jack brought doughnuts and today we are going to Lisa's to help with wedding plans."

"Fun." I got up and started to get ready for today. I walked downstairs to see Alex leaning on the counter and eating a chocolate doughnut.

"Hey Dad so what am I supposed to do for this wedding." "That's why we are going to Lisa's we have a surprise for you."

We entered his car and started driving to my soon to be mother house. Once we arrived Lisa came outside and hugged us.

We went inside to see Lisa's dining room table covered with Wedding stuff. "So Alex I was thinking we do a three tired cake." "I agree."

I just listened while playing on my phone. Which was stupid because I haven't gone to school yet so I have no friends. Should I text Jack nah, Rian nope, Zack nah, what about Vic nah. My phones screen flashed as if on cue someone texted me. I opened it to see

Jack: How's the wedding planning going
Me: Boring I am sitting on a couch just doing random crap on my phone
Jack: don't u have friends txt them
Me: nah haven't gone to school yet
Jack: child Alex needs to enrol u
Me: ok jack gtg dad needs to talk to me
Jack: ooh Leah's in trouble

I chuckled and walked over to the table. I sat right next to Alex and he said "Ok well me and Lisa were thinking what if you be a."

Lisa finished the sentence "A Bridesmaid." "Ok I guess." Lisa grabbed my hand and said "Well we found Jacks partner down the aisle."

We left Lisa's with my new Bridesmaid dress. It was sliver a pink tutu. We walked inside our house to see Jack just sitting on our couch with a subway sandwich.

"Jack what's up." "Nothing much." Alex came in with my Dress and said "Jack what are you doing here."

"I had no other place to eat my subway sandwich." Alex sighed and I said "Wait does Jack not live here anymore."

"He doesn't he bought his own apartment and is currently moving stuff. Lisa is moving her with us."

"Ohh ok." Alex left to go get more stuff for the wedding which is in a month. I sat down on the couch next to Jack. He saw I looked a little upset.

He handed me his half eaten foot long and said "What's wrong kid." "I feel like this is all moving by to fast one minute I was sitting in an orphanage next I'm about to watch Alex and Lisa get married."

"I feel ya kid. Life is a fast pace world all you have to do is breath. Take a minute look at yourself in the mirror and see what you see."

"Jack what are you trying to say."

He sat down his rest of his footlong  and brought me up to the bathroom. He turned on the light and said "Ok look at yourself and tell me what you see."

"I see Leah from early this year."

"No deeper I see a pretty lady who deserves a good education is about to have the best mom in the world and has the best family ever."

"Jack why can't you be my father your good at self confidence."

"Hey Alex is a pretty good father kid."

He turned me around and hugged me. He rubbed my back while I was just standing there wondering what to do.

"Jack guess who is walking down the isle with you."

"Who please say that girl who gave me my footlong."

"No it's me."

He laughed and said "Ok let's practice slow dancing tomorrow."


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