Chapter 1

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*Cracks knuckles* Who's ready to throw down

Elizabeth's pov

I'm not saying I'm a super quiet person. In fact, I can be pretty loud once you get to know me. I like to think I'm fairly optimistic! Pushing aside the few times I've wallowed in self pity for no real reason in the past, and barring the fact that I seem to become severely depressed anytime the stray cat that hangs around outside my house doesn't let me pet it, I appear to be somewhat outgoing! Not that anyone knows that. You see, I don't have any friends at school. I just haven't had the time to branch out in the several years that I've been here. 

To the rest of my class, I'm known as that one weird kid in the back who literally never makes a sound unless they're muttering to themselves about how god has abandoned them or something full of angst and spite such as that. Not even a peep. I'm not even sure how I, of all people, turned out to be the small, unseen, silent type. None of those words describe me. I'm big, bold, and partially a pyromaniac who lights on fire on occasion. Not for any reason; it just happens. It's fine. It hasn't killed me yet

Honestly, being the quiet, friendless kid isn't all that bad. It's never done me wrong. Sensei never calls on my sorry ass to answer questions. From what I can tell, no one ever looks at me, and thus doesn't witness the amalgamation of weird shit I do throughout the day. When I first moved here, I certainly got a few weird looks. Not sure why a pasty ginger caught their attention, but no one's eyeballing Sakura's pepto-bismol lookin' head or Naruto's sunshine spikes that seem way too bright to actually be natural.

My hair is a pain. I'd cut it if I didn't already know where that would lead. It would frizz up, as red hair does, and then I'd be looking like Ronald Mcdonald. Nobody wants that. I can confirm through experience that it is the work of nightmares. I went to incredible lengths to undo the damage. That was the night we all suffered. The quick thinking of my last two brain cells is what spared us in the end.

I let out a sight, sinking further down in my seat like a deflating balloon. I really hope I don't get stuck on a team with any pricks. Sasuke is an ass to essentially everything that breathes. Naruto is nice, but... loud. Which I relate too! He's just on a whole new level is all. I'd be perfectly happy with Hinata. I'd be hoping for Shikamaru if I wasn't already aware that they'd be keeping the Ino-Shika-Cho trio a thing. Damn you, traditions. Kiba and Shino would be alright. I'm hoping I'm not the one stuck on the four man cell.

I'm sure I just jinxed myself. Cheers to that, everyone. Let's go drink ourselves to death.

I can think of two shitty situations in which I would probably come out the other end dead. I'm willing to bet that because fate hates me and wants to raw me in the ass like a motherfucker, I'm going to end up with Sasuke and Naruto. My elite observations conclude that Sasuke cares about only three things in this world: revenge, himself, and his hair. I can't blame the guy, really. He's been pretty much alone for the past four-to-five years since his brother decided it would be okay to go along and become a mass murderer. I'm sure I'd feel the same way. 

Naruto is slightly better. He acts without thinking, though. Counting on him in a life or death situation would be like me counting on my flannel shirt to stop a kunai. At least he's got fire in him. Half the deadbeats in here don't know their left from their right and think they can be a ninja just because they can run faster than the average civilian. They're in for a rude awakening when they realize people are actually trying to kill them, and it's no longer just them and their classmates scuffling out on the field. 

Back to the point at hand. Getting both Sasuke and Naruto on the same team would most likely lead to my death. Am I being overdramatic? Absolutely. I don't care. This is my life at stake here, and I really don't want to die. I have responsibilities to attend to! Things to do! People to see! I don't have time for petty concepts such as death. I know the ninja life is anything but sunshine and rainbows, but at least I'd have a better shot at surviving if I had teammates who were actually willing to be a team.

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