Donald Trump Rant

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Direct Message from: PersassyJackson
To: WiseGirlAnnabeth, BlondSuperman, BeautyQueenPiper, LeosFlames, ZhangFrank, TreasuredHazel.

PersassyJackson: Please tell me the election results are false

BlondSuperman: I hope so

WiseGirlAnnabeth: Unfortunately not

BeautyQueenPiper: You think I can charmspeak Trump into not being president?

BlondSuperman: Pipes, I think his security would shoot you on sight just because you're Cherokee

BeautyQueenPiper: That's racist

BlondSuperman: He IS racist

TreasuredHazel: Who's Trump?

LeosFlames: ah, let me enlighten you

LeosFlames: He's an extremely racist guy, who has a lot of money from who knows where and doing who knows what, and is extremely famous. He ran for president, and here he is, about to take the throne of USA on January 1st, and leading this country to its doom

LeosFlames: Basically he's just a bad guy

TreasuredHazel: Oh

LeosFlames: Wait, if I'm part Mexican/Latino/Hispanic (A/N: wasn't sure, so I put them all), does that mean he's gonna try to deport me to Mexico?

WiseGirlAnnabeth: I think he would force you to help build that wall on the border first

LeosFlames: That's even worse

ZhangFrank: Anyone wanna move back to Canada with me

PersassyJackson: Me

BeautyQueenPiper: Me

WiseGirlAnnabeth: Guys, it's going to be really hard to become a LEGAL Canadian

WiseGirlAnnabeth: Well, Frank is covered, but the rest of us aren't

BlondSuperman: Besides, if we moved, who's gonna protect the other people from Trump?

LeosFlames: Like meeeee

LeosFlames: I'm joking, but still

ZhangFrank: Sad, but true

PersassyJackson: I don't like this already

BeautyQueenPiper: If we can't move, can we start the rebellion?

LeosFlames: YES

PersassyJackson: I fully support

PersassyJackson: But if its going to end up like the Hunger Games did, then how many people would be lost in the cause?

BeautyQueenPiper: Ugh, true

LeosFlames: If trump asks me to help with the wall, I swear to one of the gods, I will toss fireballs at it until it's destroyed

LeosFlames: And how can he even make the other people pay for that wall when HE has all the FREAKING MONEY

ZhangFrank: If Hilary won, I think people will still say America is screwed

BeautyQueenPiper: Because they say she wants to start wars

ZhangFrank: Was that on in Russia or where else?

BeautyQueenPiper: Russia or ISIS?

WiseGirlAnnabeth: But that's a rumor

PersassyJackson: I'm all for Bernie Sanders

PersassyJackson: #FreeColleges

WiseGirlAnnabeth: Same

BeautyQueenPiper: Team Bernie Sanders!!!!!

BeautyQueenPiper: Even if he's not president

TreasuredHazel: Who are these people?

ZhangFrank: I'll be right over to explain.

TreasuredHazel: Okay

[ZhangFrank and TreasuredHazel have left the conversation]

BlondSuperman: Unfortunately, we can't do a lot about this

BeautyQueenPiper: That's the sad part

LeosFlames: the lucky part for us is that we live in a place heavily covered by the Mist and protection spells, so Trump will never find us

BeautyQueenPiper: But what about other LGBTQ+ kids out there in the country?

BlondSuperman: I don't think they'd be allowed inside, much less fit inside the camp

PersassyJackson: The only thing we can do is pray for them, and for everyone

WiseGirlAnnabeth: To stay safe, and not let this evil man bring him down.
Dam.nhii: I got so devastated when I heard that he actually won, I woke up at 5:00 a.m to write this😂this thing is my friends' and my opinion placed into texts for these PJO character (I support that Rebellion though). Anyway, this isnt my best chapter bc it's more of a rant. Anyway, everyone, please stay safe, and like Annabeth said, don't let the evil man bring you down💙 (might delete this chapter of ppl don't like it hehe)

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