Chapter 21 Gaito VS J Genesis and Oka VS Kohri Shimo

Start from the beginning

/time skip/:

/At the fight stage/:
I watched Gaito and J Genesis buddyfight... "Final Phase!" Genesis 'What-.!!' He transformed into an Impact Monster..?!! "I only use Impact Monsters. But in exchange, as I can Impact Call as many times as I like during my turn. I call it.... Hard Impact Tactics." Genesis said 'That's crazy-..?! How-..?!!' "So strong... terrifyingly strong..." Tasuku said I looked at Tasuku.... 'He's right. It is..' Genesis soon Impact called again using his buddy turning it into Bal.?!!! "This is Gemclone's ability, which will revolutionize Buddyfight!" Genesis said the clone of Bal used Bal Burst Smasher destroying Gaito only on the first round!!!! 'Gaito-..!' "Your fight is next..." Tasuku said to me.... "But-" he cut me off... "I know your worried about Gaito-... but you have to focus on your fight." he said I nodded slowly... I headed to the fight stage-....

/On the fight stage/:
I inhaled and exhaled slowly clearing my head... I still feel guilty for lying to Tasuku and for the mistakes I've made-.... my opponent's name was Kohri Shimo... "It's good to see you again Oka Hayashi....." she said 'Again.?' "Who are you-...?" I said she removed her hood.... "Let's have our buddyfight and you might remember.." she said I nodded we began to luminize... "So cold and distant, you'll freeze to death.! Frosty Galaxy!" she said "Stars shine forth! Starry Dreams holding close to your heart! Luminize, Celestial Dreams!" I said
"Frozen Zestiria World!" she said "Celestial Dragon World!" I said
It was her turn.... "Charge and draw.! I equip Yetsa's Ice bow!" she said she pulled her arrow back shooting at me hitting my arm-... my left arm was frozen..! "W-what-..! T-t-this is a surprise Oka's arm is frozen-..!" Paruko said "That's the ability of Yeta's Ice bow once my target is hit by the arrow a part of their body limb becomes frozen ice.!" she said I was still able to buddyfight but my arm was frozen..! She looked at me-... "Do you feel it Oka.? The freezing cold pain inside of you." she said.... I did. My eyes widened-... "Y-your the one who-..." she grinned "Yup-..!" she said it was my turn now-.... "K-Kaiser-... a-ttack the fighter.! Celestial Rose Dragon attack a-as well..!" I said she was dropped to 8 life while I had 7 life... I felt scared it was the same fear I felt when she first attacked me... I felt everything coming back to me.... it was now her turn... "Mighty Frost.! Link attack with me..!" she said aiming her arrow... she released it hitting my chest-... I was thrown back slightly... and Mighty Frost attacked me as well bringing me to 4 life.! I felt so scared.... I could feel my body shaking-... I couldn't stop the fear and guilt I was feeling inside... it hurt... I fell to my knees feeling tears fill my eyes-..
'What happened-.... I've felt scared before but I feel terrified for some reason...' I felt weak and scared-... I lied down slowly curling into a ball... I let my tears fall-..

I watched not knowing what to say-.... I clenched my fists tightly-.... I wanted run up to her and hold her telling her to not cry... but I couldn't. I looked over to her opponent-.... she looked just as worried as me-.... I stayed quiet not taking my eyes off Oka-..... 'Oka-....'

/Within the depths of Oka's heart/:
"Come on.!! Stand up, fight back..!" I said the my lighter counterpart... "I-... I can't I'm not-... strong-" I cut her off slapping her across her face-... she looked at me-...  "Your going to let him down.! Just get them all out of your head just go have fun.! That's what Buddyfight is...! Remember why you Buddyfight!!" I said I looked at her... "Well-..!" I said I-.. I want to protect T-Tasuku-.. I want to make him happy-... I regret lying to him and everything I did-" she said quietly... I sat beside her....
"You mean everything we did..." I said as we held hands ... "I-.. I can't fight on my own-.." she said I looked at her... she looked at me holding my hand tighter... "I need your help-... maybe..- we- can work together..." she said to me... my eyes began to water-... tears fell from my eyes but I smiled... "Yes... that's all I want. We'll fight for him together..." I said she smiled hugging me-.... I hugged her back smiling.

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