Chapter 6

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It was about a forty minute hike from the district to the cavern that Maryse dwelled in. Lenin barely managed to bring himself and Yennefer up the steep climb. He was out of breathe when they reached the entrance while Maryse seemed unfazed. "You're inhuman" Lenin spat, unable to stop his heavy panting. "I am tons of things, my prince" She winked, walking into a pitch black. Lenin stared at the entrance's abyss-like blackness. He tried to see what was beyond it to no prevail. "Please come in, it's safer in here than out there with the wolves" Maryse called from somewhere in the cavern. Lenin let out a sigh before stepping forward. He was shocked once he stepped past the threshold. The rest of the cave resembled the inside of a castle. The walls and floors were elaborately craved marble as a lavish maroon carpet ran down the hallway. Portraits and drapes hung by door ways. Lenin stopped as he seen a familiar face; a vibrantly painted portrait of his father, King Argon, hung there. His face had the same warm smile as the one he had the last time Lenin ever saw him alive. "I've painted portraits of all the kings I've served. Your father was one of my favorites" Maryse said with a smile, as she stood by an open door, "you can lay that girl on the bed in here". Lenin nodded, walking into the medium decorated room. He could tell by the bed sheets, dresser and wardrobe that this was a room meant for a girl. Lenin gently tuck Yennefer into the lush bed. He turned to Maryse, " why exactly did you help us?". She simply chuckled before taking his hand and leading him out the room. Promptly, she closed the door and escorted him to another room. It was more of an entertaining room as a red throne chair was the focus point of the room. "Come and sit. I have much to talk about with you" Maryse gestured to the chair, her moves seeming effortless and graceful. Lenin looked at her tentatively as he eased himself into the seat. "No need to be wary of me. I only wish to help" Maryse suggested, reading him like an opening book."Just tell me what you want before I decide not to listen to you" Lenin said, slightly annoyed that his emotions were so easily noticed. "Very direct...." Maryse smirked, "I want Yennefer to stay under my care for a year or two". "Are you mad?! I'll never agree to that!!" His muscles started to tense as his hands balled up into firm fists. "Relax, Prince Lenin, relax. This is nothing so severe" Marise stroked his hair to soothe him, "I wish to train her in the magical arts". "I'm not handing her over to you. You can abandon that notation right now" Lenin said sternly. "This girl has ensorcelled you, hasn't she, prince?" Maryse whispered enticingly in his ear while she gently rubbed his shoulders. Lenin acted unaffected to Maryse's femininity, "ensorcelled?". "bewitched... captivated... enchanted..." Maryse smirked as the prince stiffed in the chair. "I have no idea what you mean. She may be interesting but she's merely a friend to me" Lenin said, quickly. Maryse swayed around to his frontal view, her hips moving to an unheard rhythm. Lenin watched her movements as she place herself on the arm chair. She had a hand firmly pressed on his lower thigh with her legs crossed inviting glances at her bare skin. "Then tell me why are you afraid to part with her?" she spoke frankly. He scoffed, at first ignoring her intent, "I promised to protect the people I cared about". Maryse ruffled his hair, "How noble. But she'll be safer when she learns to harness her powers". The brown eyes stared in anticipation. "Normal seers are earth or grass magic users but Yennefer is different. I believe she could use multiple elemental magic with my teaching" Maryse directed his attention to an illusion before him. It was an unknown battlefield with a side of soldiers and knights and another with creatures and men, all being formed by a dark purple smoke. One side was of only humans while the other side had ghastly monsters among their ranks. "This, my prince, this is the battlefield that you and your companion rush into" Maryse's fingers moved and the illusion obeyed her command, "This is not a normal war. This is a war between men and monsters". The gruesome creatures gnawed and gashed into any solider that dared to oppose them. Lenin looked away in disgust, feeling an eerie pit in his stomach. "Enough of your magic, Maryse" he swatted at her hand. "Wait. This war is not completely bleak. If Yennefer could possess her powers properly, it could turn out like this..." Maryse guided his gaze to the illusion once more.The smoke turned from a dark purple from a shimmering yellow as if it was a sunrise. The human and inhuman armies remained the same but there was a new figure in the mist. A singular womanly figure stood against the creatures. Lenin leaned closer, he realized that the bright color was radiating from this woman. Soon the ghastly army began to fade away. "She can help end this bloody war soon than intended" Maryse dispelled the illusion. "I can't just trust anything you say. I definitely can't trust you either, especially with her" He said more affirmatively. "Why? She needs to learn about her capabilities before she can't even control them" Maryse looked sympathetic. "No, I am going to protect her".  "I don't need your protection, Lenin", a voice proclaimed before the threshold. Yennefer stood tall and dignified in front of the conflicted boy. "But I-" he stopped himself, "Is this something you really want?". " I lost my family, my people... If I don't take this chance now, then I won't ever get the chance again. I need to learn about myself, Lenin. I don't want this, I need this" Yennefer's eyes glistened with determination. "Well, I can't stop you then. She's in your care, Maryse". Maryse smiled, "wise choice, my future king, wise choice". 'I truly hope so', he thought, getting up from the plush red chair. "Come, we still have to catch James" he tried to focus on the previous task again. "I'll come with you two. Wouldn't want another giant follying your plans" Maryse amused with her small joke.  "Do as you please" Lenin scoffed as he walked out. 'Great, he's pouting now' Yennefer sighed, walking beside her new mentor. "Just give him time" Maryse offered a warm smile, "he'll see it your way soon enough". Yennefer simply nodded, looking at the tall boy in front of her. He only glanced back occasionally but felt more furious at the sight of Maryse and Yennefer together that he eventually had to stop himself. He was silent during the travel back to the district, so only the feminine whispers of the women hung in the air. "This is bad, Maryse. Lenin can be the worse when he's upset" Yennefer recalled all the devious stunts he pulled just because she decided not to tag along with him. "Oh, Yennefer, you have so much to learn about boys and men. Here's your first lesson" Maryse stopped Yennefer, " they cannot stay mad at a beautiful woman". Maryse tussled Yennefer's snow white hair and undid a few of her shirt buttons. "Now all you have to do is give him a little attention and maybe tempt him with these" Maryse gestured to Yennefer's perky breasts. "A-Are you mad?!" The young seer turned a deep red. "You'll see how sane I am once you try it".

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2017 ⏰

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