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The cavern gleamed emerald, countless of everstones paved the way to the mystical village. Childern quicken footsteps echoed through these tunnels. The children have come from hunting and now wished to fill their hunger. Mothers ushered their little ones in for the dinner the women lovingly prepared. Tables lined with fat roasted turkeys, streamed potatos, bread and the juicy mobi fruits. As the children began to feast, the women brought dinner to their husbands who sat at the large tribal table. Strangers of brighter pigment sat with the men as the meal was set. Once the women left, the chief looked apon king Aragon, "what do we owe the appearance of the king himself?". Aragon bared a soft grin. He knew seers were wise and the chief already knew the purpose of the visit. Aragon cleared his throat and looked at the fair complexion elder. Every seer, even the children, had rare ash colored hair and emberald eyes that held the cosmos inside. "I want to request the help of the order of the lotus. Garalt has formed an army from the banshee boardlands during his time of banishment and wishes to conquer Lormania" Aragon smoothed a strand of the ebony hair into place. "If you seek us to help you and Garalt petty feud, i speak for my brothers when I decline"
the youngest looking of the order spoke swift and harshly. "I ensure you, this isn't a matter of rivalry" Aragon's face tensed as he continued, "Garalt plans to enslave all citizens of Lormania...even your people . You know the malicious intentions of Garalt. Please, I beg you. Help the resistance against Garalt" . The elder stroked his long beard in careful thought. "I believe this is repulsive. We, seers, are powerful beings and have existed over years before humans. One evil shall not crumble our civilization!" A seer with many war scars proclaimed with passion. "I agree, brother. It is idiotic to think Garalt can have this much power to harm us. Chief, I strongly suggest to leave this idle war alone" a concerned seer spoke with great worry. "I know not of the answer. I hear your pleads, brothers. But I want a voice of innocence to speak on this matter" The chief said as he looked at Aragon. "Who do you yearn to answer such a question?" Aragon pondered. The chief looked to his brother, "fetch the youngest of the children. One who has yet tasted the thrill of the hunt". The man nodded and walked out the chamber. The young seer slammed his hand the table, "you leave a decision to a child?! are you mad, chief?". The chief smiled gentle and motion towards the remaining men among him, "He, who has not sin, can stand and decide the fate of many". None of the man stood, they all seemed to weight down on the thought of their wrongs. "See. Whether seer or human, men have spilled the bloods of others. Why? Because of the men's decisions to take a life. A child has no sin. They view the world with innocence and aren't corrupted by selfishness. That's the rational i must find in the child" As the door open, the elder gestured the child inside the chamber. Aragon was dazed with fasination. The tiny girl before him was different from the others. Her hair was white as snow as long tresses laid on her shoulders. Her skin was the normal pale complexion of a seer yet the cheeks were a lusty pink as if they were kissed by the sun. Her eyes fixed Aragon in a trance as their clear green glass appearance was enchanting. The girl and Aragon locked onto each other, both refusing to look away. "This is the only child who fits your wishes" the brother spoke before returning to his seat. "This child...she is different from the others of your kind..." Aragon said filled with wonder. "Why she is. This child was born under the blue moon which makes her highly special. Now we will settle this business" The elder stroked the girl's head, "tell me what your heart thinks, little one. Garalt wishes to harm all those who live in Lormania. Shall we help king Aragon in his plight or ignore the conflict?". The room grew silent as all eyes looked apon the girl. ' even though the whole room focuses on her, she dare not stop staring at me. What bravery does she have?' Aragon thought. "Save Lormania. King Aragon is not a vile man, elder. Join him and save Lormania" the child spoke blantly. Aragon smiled as the elder agreed with her choice. "I thank you, order and I humbly thank your wise choice, young lady" Aragon bowed before her. "You are a good man, king?" the small eyes looked inquiry. "Yes, I believe I am a good man. As a promise to you that I am, I give to you Iginus" Aragon opened his cloak. A large pocket rustled feverishly. As the girl moved closer, a ferret poked his head out. "Hello, my lady. I'm Iginus of Ravio" Iginus bowed formally. "What a strange animal" She picked up Iginus, rubbing his tummy. "He's a familiar. Iginus has protected me for years. Now he will protect you" Aragon smiled. "My king, we should return to the castle" the adviser said almost coldly towards him. Aragon nodded, "I will visit another time. I wish you all a pleasant afternoon". As Aragon and his caravan set out to the castle, a messager pigeon flew pass.

The obese squire ran breathless to the throne room. He struggled to push open the door as he fell to the floor. "King Garalt! I have word from the spy! Aragon has contacted the seers!" The squire managed between his huge breaths. Garalt growled. "CURSE THE GODS!" He shouted as he throw his wine glass to the ground shattering it at his feet, "what exchange occurred!?". The squire fixed his glasses as he read the report, "the seers have agreed to help Aragon's plight. He shall visit again to prehaps discuss an attack". Garalt slammed his fists on his throne chair as he stood to his feet, "I will not allow him to ruin my plans. Lormania will be mine!". Garalt paced with urgency. "There's more, sir. Aragon has given his familiar to a seer child" the squire cowered as he sweeped the broken glass. Garalt gave a victorious grin, "I may end this all then". The squire looked confused at Garalt confused, "what are you planning to do, my lord?". "First, I will kill Aragon myself now that he is practically defenseless then I will send my soldiers to slaughter all the seers" Garalt stopped at the window. "Y-you arent serious, are you?" the obese servant stuttered. "OF COURSE I AM! YOU DARE QUESTION ME!!!" Garalt kicked over the cowering squire, "make your pathetic self useful and prepare my weapons, you mule". The squire scurred out as he master requested.

Night fell as Garalt reached the castle of the crown. Garalt scaled the familiar castle walls as he made his entry into the heavily guarded fortress. " careful as ever...but this dagger will end your foolish existence" Garalt smirked as he opened the bedroom of Aragon. There, Aragon laid peacefully. Garalt approached with hurry but quiet movement. The shine of moonlight reflected off the dagger. Aragon eased his eyes open as he looked at the blade an inch from his heart. He grabbed the statue of his father, bringing the object to his attacker's head. Garalt groaned as he stumbled onto the dresser. Aragon quicken to his feet as he turned on the oil lantern. "Garalt, you cowardly snake. You are as low as to kill me in my sleep" Aragon picked up his sword from its holder, "I am going to kill you for this". Garalt held his head as he managed to his feet. Garalt smirked at Aragon with a twisted look in his eyes. He lifted the dresser hurdling it at Aragon with as much force he could manage. Aragon quickly ran, letting the dresser smash into pieces. Aragon swing his long sword. Garalt groaned as blood trickled from the wound on his arm. He drew his sword as he countered the next swing. Garalt kicked Aragon into a chair, taking the opportunity to pierce his rival's legs. "Aaaaarrrrrgh!!!!!!" Aragon cried out, pushing off Garalt with haste. Aragon crawled to the door as a trail of blood formed. Garalt mocking followed Aragon and blocked the door. He stomped on Aragon's hand letting the man scream and whimper at his feet. Garalt felt bliss from the misery. "Fuck you, Garalt!" Aragon bite down on Garalt's calf hard. Garalt hissed hopping over and tumbling over wrecked furniture. Aragon grabbed onto the table on a painful attempt to stand. His legs bleed more, soaking his pants to the carpet. Garalt stood across the room. Aragon ran with all his might, pushing Garalt out the window. Garalt lashed onto Aragon as the two tusled down. With a loud thud, the sixth story fall came to an abrupt end. Aragon coughed blood as he gripped the handle of the dagger probing his chest. Garalt smiled with victory, "I am ruler of Lormania, Aragon. Let that be the last thing you here". Aragon chuckled with difficultly. "Yes, I am going to die, but let it be know that the last thing I hear is your disappointed whimper. For though you killed me... my blood runs through another's veins..." Aragon grinned as he closed his eyes. "NOOOO!" Garalt screamed as he punched the deceased king. He stopped when the search lights were visible and quickly fled into the night.

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