Chapter 23. You can thank me later.

Começar do início

 Lance shifted his stance and the look on HIS face, as he heard the tone of her voice, turned to ashen.

 He was almost afraid to ask. “What happened?”

 Laura sighed. Okay. Now this was it.

 She took a deep breath.

 Turning around she walked over to her bedside table and pulled out the drawer. She reached inside and pulled out the cuffs from there. As she turned back around to face her sons, she held the cuffs in front of her for them to see.

 Just the sight of the cuffs made both of them gasp for air.

 She sat herself down on her bed, putting the cuffs in her lap.

 “I really thought Neal was a nice guy, I really did. But. . .” her voice trailed off.

 Lance rushed to her side, squatting down beside her. Right now this was scaring the crap out of him.

 He took her hand in his, the cuffs getting a poisonous stare from him as they laid there in her lap.

 “What, mom?” he hissed with impatience.

 Phil had frozen to the spot with fear of what was to come.

 “Neal cuffed me to the bed frame, “ Laura said cautiously, her voice steady, and  she tried to gauge their reactions, “His intention by doing so, was to . . . rape me.”

 A unison loud gasp was to be heard from the boys as both of them looked at her with gaping mouths.

 “BUT. . .he did not. He threatened to do so though, then he knocked me unconscious and cuffed me. When I woke up he was gone. Cody found me like that, and I made him swear not to tell you.”

 “FUCK!” Lance barked as he stood up and slammed his fist into the wall. Suddenly he understood the odd behavior from his friend. It must have been eating at him from the inside.

 Oh, Damn it. Knowing Cody,  Lance knew that he would probably beat Neal to death with his bare hands.

“Shit. . . I have to find Cody, before he kills the son of a bitch.” Lance hissed and turned on his heel, then he hastily looked over his shoulder at his brother, “Take care of mom, Phil. Don’t you dare leave her alone.”

 Laura stood up in a flash, making the cuffs fall to the floor with a ruckus.

 “Lance! You have to hurry. Please.”

 He did not say anything in response, he just gave her a small nod. Then he cleared her bedroom door and the next second he was out of the house.

 Laura gnawed nervously on her bottom lip and she stole a glance to the right at her son Phil. She really had no clue how to interpret his reaction or how to read the look on his face.

 Standing in front of her with his palm covering his mouth, he was really an enigma to her.

 “Say something, Phil.” she sighed and sat back down on the bed, his silence was creeping her out, literally. ”Please!”

 Moving his hand from his mouth, he made it brush against his jaw, he then drew it through his hair. All of his gestures showing signs of hidden and suppressed anger.

 “You should have told us, mom. Right away.  My god, you had us sitting through a god damn dinner without telling . . . Christ, it must have been pure hell for Cody.” Phil gave her a glance so full of hurt and anger that she almost caved in, “What I really would like right now, is to join Cody and beat that bastard so bad that his balls end up in next week and the rest of him in the week after that.”

Her sons best friend (Aka Cougartown)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora