I had a great time with them I don't remember when was the last time I went out with drinks. The only time I go out is when I get invited to a kiddy party or to take my son somewhere. If I feel like I need a drink I would go to Wal-Mart get me a bottle of Abor Mist or white zinfandel nothing stronger than that. He's brother had to leave because I had a flight to catch early in tomorrow morning him and the girls that was with him so we said our goodbyes.

Vladimir Got his car back from the valet guy we got in and he was driving me back to go get my car.

"did you have fun" Vladimir ask me.

"other than your friend insulting me I did you brother is a very funny guy"

"don't worry about her she doesn't know what she was talking about"

I didn't answer him I just stared at the road I couldn't wait to get home to take of my clothes and heels take a shower and go to bed. We arrive in front of the Seminole I show him where I parked and he parked next to my car.

"thank you" I said

"no thank you for accepting my invitation I had a great time"

"yeah me too" I open the door and get out he got out too.

"we should do this again"

"I don't know about that." I told him

"as friend for drinks nothing more"

"maybe, I have to think about it"

"ok no problem can I just have you number so we could talk sometimes"

I laugh at what he said "ok no problem do you have your phone with you?"

He hands me his phone I put my number and it and hand it back to him. I say good bye to him and get in my car and drive off.

I got home threw my keys and clutch on the console that stand by the entrance door. As soon as get to my room I strip of my clothes and went straight to the bathroom and took a wonderful shower. When I walk out the bathroom after taking my shower I heard my phone vibrate on the night stand. I put on my night gowns before checking my phone to see who was texting me.

I was expecting it to be my Jordan or Nathalie texting me, to my surprise it was Vladimir.

"Hey Juna Did you get home ok"

"yes I did what about you"

"I did what you doing"

"nothing much I just took a shower I'm about to head down stairs

for some ice cream and you what you doing"

"I'm laying on my bed bored as hell"

"is it one of those lonely nights"

"them nights be worst

do you feel like talking?"

"what do you mean"

"I mean can I call you"

"yeah that's ok"

Ring* Ring*

"hello" I answer.

"hello" he said with a very husky sexy voice that almost got my panties wet.

"Hey I forgot to tell you how beautiful you were today"

"thank you weren't looking bad yourself"

We were so lost into our conversation I didn't realize how late it was and I didn't want to hang up the phone. His voice was giving me life. He was telling me about the hospital he was working for in Boston before he quit so he could move down to Florida to take over the family business. Then he asks me the question I hate answering.

"why a beautiful woman like you single"

"because I don't want to be in a relationship with anybody" I answer with an attitude.

"so you telling me if you find a nice guy that you like you won't be in a relationship with him"

"yes sir that's exactly what I'm saying"

"do you mind me asking why"

"yes I do mind" the fuck nigga just drop that shit.

"ok I get it sorry"

"it's ok anyway it's getting late I'm going to bed I have to wake up early for church in the morning"

"ok goodnight sweet dreams"

"yeah good night"

I hang up the phone and put it in the charger turn off the lamp on the night stand and close my eyes.

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