Chapter 19- Dreams

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"Where we going puddin?" I asked.

He looked at me with a smirk as he rolled his eyes.

"Home princess" He replied.

Home? As in his place. I was eager to see the place but there was doubts forming in my insane mind. My thoughts were racing, the thrill of my first kill had wore off by now and all I wanted was for this day to end, for sleep to take over my mind. Yet there was this small fragment inside of me that screamed to take a leap, to have the same rush of adrenalin off killing, my body craved more.

I don't know how but I drifted into an uneasy sleep whilst the Joker raced through the streets of Gotham. My dreams began to haunt me.

It was my mother, her body crumbling to the ground at the sight of my fathers dead body. My mothers sobs tore my heart into pieces as I observed the scene, something was peculiar about it. My footsteps echoed on the wooden floor as I took steps to help calm my mother, but the look of disgust in her eyes startled me. I continued to step towards my distraught mother but the closer I got, she took steps back. It was then that I noticed the gun in my hands. How did it get there? My mind became numb as the gun crashed to the ground. I killed my own father. It wasn't true, I shook my head as the realization hit me hard that my father's lifeless body was at my feet.

"Oh Harley, what have you done?" My mother asked, keeping her distance from me.

Out of nowhere I heard Mr J's cackle bringing me back to reality.

"Puddin?" I groaned.

"Yes baby"

"I'm bored"

I needed a distraction otherwise the dream would haunt me.

"Well why didn't you say so, let's go cause havoc in Gotham" He looked at me with such intensity in his eyes it left me wanderstruck.

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