Chapter 06- The Jokers Tale (Part 1)

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His fingers felt soft against my skin, my body felt alive when he touched me. It was like there was a spark of energy floating around my body. All from his touch. The sadness in his eyes didn't go unnoticed as he jerked his hand away, as he began his tale.

"It all began when I had a wife. Yes Harley I was a married man. Well the story doesn't start there exactly. How about we go back further to my childhood so you can make some psychotic diagnosis and blame my upbringing for how I am today. I was six years old the first time I had ever seen an act of violence. It was my sixth birthday and my father was nowhere to be seen as me and my mother sat at the table, my messy birthday cake in front of me and my mother on the dining table. Hour after hour my mother's frown enlarged and the worry as radiating off her. We were clueless to where my father was; he was never the type to go drinking till all hours, he had a pretty well paid job. So where was he? As I child growing up I barely had anything but my sixth birthday I had a lot and it was the best but worst birthday by far. A pounding knock on the door startled my mother and I. My mother slowly got up to answer the door and there were big men, armed and pushed my mother out of the way and my mother tumbling to the ground. One man pulled out a knife and slice my mother's beautiful and elegant cheek. Blood was rushing off her. The masked men trashed the place before getting bored and decided violence was what they would do. My mother shrieked for me to run away and hide but I was frozen to the spot as the men flung my mother about like she was nothing more than a rag doll and beat her till she was almost dead. One of the men handed me the gun and told me to pull the trigger or they would do worse to my mother. I stood there, six years old with a gun in my hand and it felt good as if I had power but the blood stains on my mother sickened me and I couldn't kill her. Instead I pulled the trigger to one of the masked men who hurt my mother the most. It was my father I had killed"


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