Chapter 50: Babies, meetings, and flowers.

Start from the beginning

She nodded. "Yes."


"And what?"

"Well come one," Angeline replied slightly deviously. "Spill!"

"He told me that he was sorry for being a jerk and that he only was trying to look out for me, and I told him I could and my dad could–cause my Dad's like the toughest, well, besides Alpha Levi."

I suppressed a laugh before I nudged her with my cheek. "And?"

"He told me he wanted to because he said that he loves me and the only reason he was sure is because he always gives me his extra brownie at lunch, and Lyle doesn't share with anybody."

Amber covered her mouth while Angeline bit the inside of her lip. "So do you love Lyle?"

"I don't know, I think he's still a turd."

"Well, what if someone else loved Lyle?" Amber pointed out.

Penelope growled lowly, which startled me. She was young, not even turned and her wolf was much closer than many children her age. "No, he's my turd."

"Are they mates?" Amber mouthed to me.

I shrugged. "Maybe?" I mouthed back.

"Well damn, did anyone save me any coffee? Lander asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"Back the hell up Lander, you already drank half a damn pot this morning," Levi grumbled as he walked toward me.

He hugged me and nuzzled my hair then ruffled up Penelope's, drawing a soft smile from her lips. "Hi, Alpha Levi."

"Hi yourself little ass beater," Levi chuckled back. "You staying out of trouble?"

"Yes," she politely replied while Lander walked over to her and kissed her hair.

"You ready to meet Charlie girl? I think your boy's got everything set up with Evan," Levi called out while he pulled out a mug from one of the wooden cabinets.

I sighed and looked down and Penelope then up at Evangeline. "Where's David?"

"Already talking to Ethan, I can watch her if you like?"

"She'll probably get bored," I thought out loud.

"I can take her?" Amber offered. "I have to check some of the cabins since we have wolves moving out of the dorms. Aaron offered to come. We could watch her?"

"What do you think Pen?" I asked, my heart slightly excited because this was the first time Amber had shown an interest in anything but her bed.

She nodded. "I don't mind. That sounds like fun."

Amber smiled slightly. "We can steal some ice cream later too if you want?"

Penelope nodded quicker. "Ok, can I Char?"

"Course, just watch out for the Ben and Jerry's. That's Levi's and you know how he gets," I answered while I set her down.

Levi nodded in approval. "Pen knows the rules about my damn ice cream," Levi chimed in.

I rolled my eyes while Lander watched Amber closely. Penelope just walked right up to her and took her hand with a beaming smile that seemed to spread to Amber. "Can go hunting too?"

"Your dad takes you hunting?" Amber asked with a raised brow.

Levi rolled his eyes. "Yes, I told David that it wasn't a good idea but that damn girl caught herself a damn badger in a trap she made."

"What?!" I looked at Levi who was nodding into his mug while Lander laughed into his.

He sighed and looked up at Amber, the more paternal side of him coming out. "Don't take her too far from the pack house and link me if anything happens."

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