Chapter 13

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It was good to be home. Seeing the kids come home from school, helping them with their homework. This was your favorite job. It's also the most painful. A week ago was Em's first day back at school. You and Ben both took her and had to explain to the principal the precautions when it came to her joining in sports or any strenuous activity. 

Lately, she seemed to be getting more and more tired whenever she came home. She couldn't even finish her homework before falling asleep for the rest of the night. Only a week back in school and she's falling behind dramatically, which was very uncommon for her. 

Ben tried talking to her teachers and asked to give her some leeway, but they only assumed he was asking because he was a high profile actor. That got him very upset. So, he decided to hire a tutor, but that was deemed useless since Em couldn't even keep awake for longer than two hours when she came home from school. 

Since her and Nate were in the same classes, he just gave her all the answers. You and Ben didn't want to agree with that, but you didn't want her to fail either. You both just pretended like you never knew anything. 

Today was a particularly interesting day. First, you got a phone call from Nate and Em's school. Apparently, Em had fallen asleep during class and, apparently, this wasn't the first time. You also got a phone call from Conner and Scar's school. 

Conner had gotten into a fight and was suspended for three days. 

Ben opted to pick up Em, while you decided to deal with your juvenile son. When Ben got to the school, he walked into the waiting room of the principal's office and saw Em asleep in a chair. He quickly went over to her and tried waking her up. 

"Em...come on, baby girl," he gently prodded. She opened her eyes just a crack, but then closed them again and fell asleep. The Principal wanted to talk to Ben, but he told him it could wait, as he just wanted to get his daughter home. 

Carefully, he picked up Em and carried her out to the car. Instead of going home, he took her to the doctor's. They told him that after a major surgery like she had, this was bound to happen. She won't have the energy she's used to having and she'll tire very, very quickly.

Ben took her home and carried her into bed. He put the duvet over her, then kissed her head before calling the school and letting them know she wouldn't be there for a few days. He wanted her to get as much rest as she possibly could. 

As soon as he hung up the phone, he heard the door open and you saying, "I will discuss this with your father. Go up to your room and we'll be there in a minute." You sounded eerily calm for your son just getting suspended. Ben had the Gettysburg Address of lectures locked and loaded for Conner. 

When you walked into the kitchen, Ben asked, "What happened?" You sighed and tossed down your purse to the table. "Turns out," you said, as you walked over to the coffee machine, "Conner has been getting bullied. He didn't want to tell us because he was afraid it would get worse. Well, today, he had enough of the bullying and decided to fight back."

Ben sighed and shook his head. It was going to be difficult to find a punishment for this. You continued, "Apparently, he's been getting hit and kicked and he just couldn't take it anymore. He broke down sobbing in the car and I had to pull over. I took him out to lunch, got some food in him and he told me everything."

You looked at your husband, who seemed to be having a million things running through his head. "Ben," you said, "I don't think I have the heart to punish him. If you just saw him when he was crying his little heart nearly broke me."

Ben took a deep breath and looked at you. "Do they know who the kid is?" He asked. You nodded and told him, "We have a meeting tomorrow with his mother. I would love for you to be there." He nodded and told you, "Of course I'll be there. I'm just...I don't know what to do. I don't want Conner to think that it's okay to fight with kids he doesn't like, but I also don't want him to think that it's okay to take a beating."

You ran your hands through his hair and said, "Well, we'll just have to explain that to him. I don't think punishing him is the right way to go though. Maybe no T.V. or no dessert." Ben nodded, then said, "We'll think of something. For now, let's go talk to him."

You both walked upstairs and, as you passed Em's room, you asked, "How is she?" Ben stopped and told you, "She'll be fine. I called her out of school for the next few days so she can get her energy back. The doctor said it's not uncommon for her to be like this after that kind of surgery. Don't worry, love, we'll figure out something."

After a moment, Ben knocked on Conner's door, then walked in. Conner was sitting on his bed and crying. Ben's heart nearly broke from the sight. "I'm sorry, dad," Conner cried. Ben sighed and knelt down in front of him. 

He reached up and wiped away his tears, before saying, "Oh my boy, it's alright. I'm not mad. What you did was to defend yourself and that's something you should always do. I don't want you getting into the habit of hitting people, though. Am I understood?"

Conner quickly nodded, then said, "He was just being so mean. I wanted him to stop." Ben got up and sat himself next to his son. He pulled him in for a hug and said, "I understand. I just wish you told your mother or I about this. We love you and we want you to feel safe at school."

They continued to hug for a few minutes, while you watched with a small smile. Ben eventually pulled back from the hug, then wiped Conner's tears away. "You won't get punished," he said, "but if this happens again, you're grounded for a month. I don't care who hit who first. Am I clear?"

After Conner nodded, Ben kissed his head. "Alright," he said, "you've got three days off, so you better make the most of it, I suppose. Go clean yourself up, then watch some T.V.." Conner got down from his bed, then slowly made his way to the bathroom and shut the door. 

You looked to your husband and said, "That, I believe, was the right way to go about this." Ben stood up and said, "Yeah, I think that, too. Did you notice there wasn't a scratch on him? That means our boy kicked some arse." 

You giggled and whacked his arm. 


"Ben, we're going to be late!" You called, as you waited impatiently downstairs. Ben rushed down the stairs as he said, "Sorry, sorry! Let's go!" You, him and Conner all made your way out to the car and quickly drove down to the school. 

You walked quickly to the principal's office and apologized for being late. "It's no problem," the principal said. "Mister and missus Cumberbatch, this is Tyler, the boy who has been bullying your son. And this is his mother...Missus Sam Reed." 

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