He turned to to the zippleback, who was expanding his wings trying to make its self look bigger. The trick he'd used on the monsterous nightmare wouldn't work on the zippleback. Two heads, two different dragons. He'd have to outsmart this one. Somehow. 

A flurry of wind and a shadow passed over his face. Toothlesses dark body landed heavily in front of him, putting distance between him and the other dragon. He opened his large mouth and shrieked at the top of his dragon lungs, causing birds to fly off. It was a terrifying sound, a shout of dominion and raw power. It lasted for as long as ten seconds his wing span extending, spikes appearing, and teeth baring, before it ended a dry growl in his throat. The zippleback seemed to consider his options before giving up and flying away.

"Thanks bud." Hiccup said, feeling he spikes beneath his fingers.

Cheers began to rise from a crowd that had gathered to see it all go down. they surrounded hiccup congratulating him and hitting him way to hard on the back. 

"Move aside! Get back to work you lazy mutton heads!" Gobber wobbled through the crowd shoving people aside like sheep, his sharp hook waving around wildly. "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Go slap a fish..." Was his reply to the complaints of the people. Soon everyone was cleared out. Out of the group, he was the most repulsive viking with his long mustache and strange demenor, yet he'd been Hiccups life support through thin and thick. 

"Thanks Gobber. I appreciate it." 

"Must be so hard bein' famous." He joked. "Come on, you're late. They've started without you already." 

.       .       .

To Hiccups annoyance the great hall doors groaned as he slipped inside. They didn't call it a great hall for nothing. the interior was vast, and had been built right into the mountain. Tall pillars carved with intricate designs and faces supported the ceiling. There was constant firelight  making everything glow in a mysterious light. 

A smoldering fire struggled to keep bright in the huge fire pit at the center of the room. Vikings stood present around it all listening intently to the commanding voice almost as if they were mesmerized. He couldn't help but stop and listen too, leaning contently agaisnt a great pillar, arms crossed, amused.  

She was beautiful. These days she wore her hair down, blonde waves falling around her shoulders. She wore a white fur cloak atop her silver armor. Her eyes, were intense, focused and stunningly blue. He never got tired of looking at her. Her movements were determined, direct, aligned with the words she spoke. 

"I am proud to say that we now have six new Dragon riders to add to Berks armada." Astrid crossed her arms. "The meeting with meathead island, the outcast lands, and Berserk went very well. We have signed a permanent alliance with them. The most exciting news is that in two weeks time, an entire fleet from Berserk will come to island to be trained as Dragon Riders. This is a huge financial movement for Berk." Whooping and cheering filled the hall. Her lips spread into a huge grin. He couldn't help but do the same. "Things are looking up more than ever for us. 

Hiccup stepped up to the circle and everyone nodded at him respectfully. He shot a glance at Astrid and she glared.

"Sorry I'm late everyone. Please. Continue." Terrorclaw spoke up his voice deep and growly. The man was, well, terrifying to look at, tall and wide, wearing a battle axe strapped to his back.

"The fleet of Dragon Riders is still stationed at Peaceable County preparing to make the rest of the trip to outcast lands. I myself will travel there tomorrow morning to accompany the group." 

The rest of the meeting went quickly and with ease. Soon they filed out leaving Hiccup standing by the door alone. 

"Hey, chief!"
A voice called. He turned to see Astrid walking towards him. "You were late again." 

"You seemed to have everything handled. Did I miss anything?" He replied with a smirk. He reached out and retied the knot that held her cloth brace around her forearms while she talked.

"Only armada reports. Nothing seemed to be out of order. Riding toothless this morning?" 

"You know me, can't keep on the ground." He said finishing the tie. She raised the other hand, so he could do that one as well.

"Can't keep your head down here either." He raised his green eyes to hers and couldn't help but admire the snappy wit she possessed.

"Hey, I got to show you something." He said, completing his task. 

"yeah and whats that?" She said skeptically.

"I'll show you if you can catch me." 

"I'll give you a head start peg leg." She replied eyebrows raised.

He gave her a kiss on the mouth before darting out of the hall and towards the tree line. He could spare a few minutes away from the town. Every once in a while he'd look back and laugh, watching that blonde head take on the challenge of trying to catch him. He may only have one foot but he'd gotten fast. The scent of pine filled his senses, as light wiggled its way through the trees. Soon the greenery around them split into a clearing, where a crystal a pool of water practically was waiting for them. He stopped, resting his hands on his knees, and watched Astrid's reaction when she took it all in. Her face got brighter and her eyes lit up the same way the sun did.

"This is beautiful." She said dreamily.

Catching her off guard, he swept her off the ground, moving towards the pool of water. When she realized what he was doing, she started shrieking. "Don't you dare Hiccup! dont-" She was cut off. He'd thrown her into the water, watching it swallow her whole. She broke the surface gasping for air. He chuckled and took off his cloak, white tunic, revealing his tattoos, before jumping in after her. She tried to drown him in several attempts, as they spent the remainder of their precious time frivolously. 

Hiccup crawled out of the water and laid on his stomach in the sun to dry out. Astrid sat next to him ringing out her hair. Before long, she began tracing the dragon wings spread across his shoulders and back, with her finger; studying the designs carefully. The word FLY was etched just above the head. The word stoick was wrapped around his bicep. The tail ran almost all the way down his spine; a perfect picture of a night fury. It wasn't like one of those gruesome tattoos. It had a certain alluring nature to it; it was hard to look away.

"Astrid-" He said breaking the silence.


"Do you think they can hear us... In valhalla?" He asked, then shook his head. "Haha, never mind of course not. What a question." She examined him for a minute before replying. 

"You know Hiccup, I think they can." She said. Surprised he raised his head and rested on his elbow.

"Do you think... you know, they can maybe talk back?" He asked. 

"Thinking about your dad today?" He nodded. She looked up at the sky before answering;  "When I was little, I heard a story about a Chief that died. He went to Valhalla but all wasn't well. For his son had to face a terrible battle. So Oden granted that he could send his son dreams to guide him on what to do. Who knows maybe your dad will do the same." 

"Not likely." 

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