Chapter 7 -Second Change

Start from the beginning

Every word he spoke was making me angrier. I was grinding my teeth together to keep from saying anything, but eventually, I had to say something. "It was more then wrong! WHO DOES THAT TO THEIR KID?"

I finished my last word with a whimper as my back made a large cracking sound and pain spread from my back to my neck. He made me change! That son of a! I fixed my thoughts. Since when did I swear? Another round of cracks decided to come then, making me drop to the ground. I could hear Alec saying encouraging words but at the moment I didn't care. His hand touched my shoulder and some of the pain left, and eventually it was all gone, but I had four legs, no thumbs and bushy tail. My clothes were in pieces on the floor, one of my sneakers with the the top missing, the other one with holes in it a few feet away.

I turned and snapped at Alec for forcing me into this and through the painful experience.

He shrugged at me, then started undressing- much to my embarrassment. Even in wolf form. I barked-I think- and turned the other way before running off into the woods we were in.

I stumbled alot and fell twice. I mean, I've only been in wolf form once, and I wasn't in control then, so it's new to me about how to move. I mean, can I wag my tail like a dog?

"Yeah, but why would you want to?" Alec voice scared me, popping out of no where.

Can he read my mind? I crouched down to the ground. Wow, how embarrassing! I mean what if I was thinking about how nice he looked in his shit, or his body or! Stop thinking about it! Another wolf, a grey, white and black mix stopped next to me, and from his smell, I assumed her was Alec. He leaned down and licked my face, before turning and dashing back into the other direction.

"I knew you would like that shirt." I heard Alec again, and if I was in human form, I probably would have burned up from embarrassment.

"Stop reading my mind!" I yelled out perpously, following after him. 

He looked started and almost ran into a tree before answering. "Don't yell so loud! Your going to kill my brain!"

I laughed quietly and came to a sudden stop. 

"Can we change back into human form? I have to pee..." I told him.

"Just go like... over there." He nodded his head in a random direction and turned it away.

"I'm not peeing in the woods!" I cried in outrage. Gross! Let me get used to it first.

I could have sworn I heard him sigh but choose to ignore it as I trotted past him.

"Your house is this way." Alec laughed, walking in another direction.

"Yeah, I know... I just need to sniff this... leaf." I scoffed and sniffed the leaf I was referring to before going after him. He laughed and picked up what looked like his clothes in his mouth before walking again, me following him.

"Nice butt." I told him, feeling alittle confident.

"Stop checking me out!" He snorted, but I could tell he was pleased by his voice.

"It's hard not to notice." I replied.

"Great! That's what every guy want's to hear from his mate." He told me, loads of sarcasm in his voice.

"It's a sexy butt."

"What is wrong with you? You would never say anything like that!" He turned to look at me, pulling his tail between his legs.

"I was feeling rather confident, so I decided to share my thoughts- gosh." I replied. Guess I shouldn't comment on things anymore.

He started walking again. "In that case, your butt is way sexier then mine."

"You look at my butt?" I gasped, surprised.

"I always-" He stopped and started again. "It's hard not to notice." He mimicked me.

"You always look at my butt? Nice to know." I snickered, feeling exposed.

"Well..." He trailed off.

"Pervert!"  I cried, and ran ahead of him with my tail between my legs as soon as I saw the house.

I didn't know what to do, so I just scratched at the door, hoping someone was home to let me in. After a few minutes, Alec sat down next to me, waiting by the door.

"If you want, I could change and just let you in." Alec stated.

"No, I want them to let me in." I told him, scratching at the door again.

"Mom! Mom! Dad! HELLO! There are giant dog-things at the door!" I heard Lily screech and I chuckled to myself. Then felt bad. I guess they were lying to her too, about the whole werewolf thing.

The door opened and my mom stared down at Alec, then at me. 

"I know that that's Alec." She pointed to him. "And I'm hoping that's Kiara because she was with him." She pulled the door open wider so we could get passed and I trotted up to my room, before spending two hours trying to figure out how to change back.

"Alec, I can't do it!" I whined in my head, hoping he could still hear me. After a few minutes no one answered so I figured he couldn't hear me. I howled loudly, annoyed.

Alec knocked before walking into my room. I sat on the ground, huffing. 

"You still haven't changed back? I've been waiting for you!" He laughed, then pulled an annoyed face ."Just think of being human, of walking and stuff..."

I did.

And changed back. 


Alec stared at me, his eyes going slightly down before I screamed and tossed my naked self into blankets to cover myself.

"Uh..." Alec mumbled, his face heating up.

What a pervert!

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