It's The Great Pumpkin, Leonard McCoy >> Leonard McCoy X Reader

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It happened to be three hundred and sixty five days later when you found yourself in the same place you had been a year ago. Not even halfway through the decorating of the paper decals, you heard a throat clear behind you. It was the same tone of throat-clearing you were used to listening to in your everyday life, and without flinching, you pasted the next picture upon the wall.

"It seems we meet again, Dr. McCoy," you grin over your shoulder.

"What is this?" he frowns. 

You can't help it, but a fizzle of laughter erupts from somewhere within yourself. "Don't you remember from the last time you walked in on me decorating? It's that season again on Earth, sir."

The CMO growls. It isn't an angry growl, or something you'd hear out of the mouth of a wild animal, but something annoyed, and vaguely human. "Are you sassing me, Nurse ________?" his lips are thin, a straight line, but it isn't that which makes the giggles within you bubble out a little more. It's the way his eyes aren't in on the act of being angry -- no, faux angry. 

"Only for my favourite CMO, sir," you turn back to the chain in your hands. "If you're not too busy, I would appreciate some help with the decorating." 

His hands gather the length, and for the rest of the night, the both of you work in silence around those on the night shift. 


"It's the thirtieth of October, Miss _______. " The blue-shirted Dr. McCoy approaches you in the cafeteria. His face is not forming his usual frown, or sarcastic bluff, but his lips are pulled into a small smile. Smug. "It's getting late, and you're nowhere near the Medbay." 

You turn to him, and spare a smile. "That is an acutely accurate observation, sir," you return to your business at the coffee machine, finishing off filling your latte with a sprinkle of pumpkin spice atop the froth. "You can't blame a nurse for grabbing her favourite seasonal drink, Dr." 

He hesitates, watching as you place the lid atop the cup, and take a sip. Without a word, he follows you to a table, sitting opposite each other. You cock an eyebrow, and place the cup between your hands, in the centre of the table. "What I might ask, sir, is why you're so suspicious of someone whose only flaw is consuming too much caffeine, and enjoying an Earth holiday." 

He grumbles under his breath, but you don't catch the words. 

"You know, I think I left something in the Medbay," you rub your eye, and glance to the clock above the entrance to the cafeteria. "You wouldn't mind escorting a gal, would you, Dr. McCoy?" you take a sip of your drink. 

He shakes his head, standing. "Come on then, gal, let's get this over with."

You flash him a grin over the cup, and flank his stride. "Oh, you sure know how to charm a nurse, sir." Taking another sip, you sigh. "As soon as I get what I need, I really need some sleep." you share with the CMO of the Enterprise. "I really should be off to bed soon, I've the double shift for once." 

He grunts. "You really shouldn't be drinking that if you want to sleep, Nurse ______."

"I know," you shrug, and add, "But it's decaf, sir, and I love Halloween more than anything."

It's now you notice that Dr. McCoy has stopped walking. His feet are planted to the floor, face blank, but you have experience enough to read what he has unconsciously written across his head.  Slowly, as he takes it in, his mouth falls slowly ajar. 

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