Phase 90: A Cursed Love I

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Phase 90: A Cursed Love I


[8:00 AM]

We're already in the Transfield; in a parallel Heightsburg City. This parallel city really looks like a ghost town after a zombie apocalypse or nuclear fallout. Every house here is ruined, and even the amusement park here looks eerie. And there is this huge full moon to add. It's like we're in Pripyat.

There was something flying in the sky like a meteor. It...or he landed in front of us like a superhero. He is the golden knight of the Eaglehorn Legion, Felix. He is already in his Guardian Mode. He really prepared for this.

"I'm sorry I'm late." Felix said.

"We also just got here." I replied. "Thanks for helping us."

"I owed everything to you and Erylle. My life, my Legion mates, and my honor. Now is the time to pay for my debt. We're going to get Erylle back." He patted my shoulder.

"Thanks." I smiled. "Goodluck to you all!"

I ran into the safe distance. Asumi followed me. Asumi is in charge of keeping me safe, just in case Erylle attacked me. But we all know Erylle. Erylle will never attack me. Maybe. Past tense.

Everyone readied their Weapon Gems. Mia and Skye readied their lips to chant their spells to seal Erylle once she was summoned. Neo was at the center of them. He clapped his hands, then slowly touched the ground.

"<Void Art: Summon Erylle Fontaine>!!!"

There was a glowing circle emerged, having Neo's hand at the center. A weak buzzing noise can be heard, but other than's completely silent. Nothing happened. Is there a moment of suspense in this spell? It also happened in summoning Aeternos, right?

We waited for a minute. But so far, nothing happened.

"Maybe you should try it again." Benedict said.

"It's weird. I felt her presence when I used the spell." Neo sighed." Okay. I'll try it again. Void Art: Summon-"


What the heck is that noise! It was Atlas' voice, I'm certain. But when we looked behind us...There was a woman; in a platinum Valkyrie suit with black winged tiara on her golden hair. It was Erylle! She stabbed Atlas' back with the white sword! Atlas spurted blood from his mouth, due to the excruciating pain.

"N-No!!!" Asumi cried.

All of them came to the rescue! Good thing is that Erylle never inflicted a fatal damage to Atlas. He just passed out for the meantime. Skye took care of the wound by her <Healing Touch> Spell.

Heushac surged forward, ready to slice the blonde Valkyrie. But Erylle anticipated that attack. She dashed backwards with the speed of light. Then Zion started firing his guns to Erylle's position but Erylle easily deflected all of it with her sword.

"Be careful!" Neo shouted. "She can control time at will!"

"Erylle!" Felix jumped forward and tried to talk to her. "Just come with us peacefully. We will be able to remove that curse for you."

Erylle never replied. She has this pokerface and a silent attitude right now. Her red eyes glared viciously at Felix, giving an overpowering aura of despair to anyone who dares to stand up against her.

"Felix, look out!" Benedict shouted. "Guard you left!"

Without hesitation, Felix positioned himself into a guarding stance to parry any attack to his left. Then suddenly, there was a huge clang! Erylle is already there!

"D-Darn, just how fast is she?" Felix grunted.

"According to my calculations... Infinite." Benedict muttered. "Her speed force can't even be measured in speed of light... She's beyond Trans-time velocity..."

Erylle dashed backwards, and swiped her sword to the left. The Reginleif glowed dark, as she channel another spell.

"<Chrono Storm>!!!"

Several dimensional rifts opened in the atmosphere above us. It's not an ordinary Gate, I knew it. All of them are Time Gates! Then, suddenly a figure of a blonde Valkyrie came out on each and every Time Gates, until there are about thousands of copies of hers. It's like she summoned all her other Cursed self from different timelines!

This battle is too mindblowing!

"This is nuts!" Heushac shouted. "We don't have any chance of winning!"

"One Erylle is already too overpowered for us to handle...And there's a thousand copies of her!?" Benedict complained.

All Erylles flew up in the air, channeling their Reginleifs with a powerful dark aura. If I recall it right, all of them are now going to use her <Tachyon Blitz> spell. That attack will definitely annihilate everyone of us here.

If only I have my Guardian Abilities...


"Yohan... I'm going to ask you... a question..." Asumi spoke softly to me. She was definitely shaking.

"What is it?"

"Is it okay to use Ainsoal for Erylle?"

Using Ainsoal; the Heavenly Blade of Death means that there are no other ways to stop Erylle. A single hit from Ainsoal will lead to her death. This is our last resort in case Erylle is too powerful to handle. Her death... can I bear it? The death of my love?

There's no time to waste for selfishness. Erylle is already here to finish us all. It's like I have to choose between Erylle and my friends. Though I wanted to save Erylle...Sigh...I don't know! If it was Erylle who's making this decision...

"Asumi, there's no time!" Zion shouted. "We have to use that spell, now!"

"Y-Yohan!" Asumi cried.

"Do it..." I bowed, letting out tears from my eyes.

Asumi then dashed to Zion's side and held each other's hands. Asumi unsheathed the Heavenly Blade from her chest, and she held the blade together with Zion. White fabrics started to cover both of them. Once they are all covered, the fabrics shaped as a giant gumamela plant. At the center, is the Ainsoal being pointed upwards by the two lovers.

"<Blazing Heart Sync: Thousandfold Extermination>!!!"

They shouted together, as the sky shatters and welcomed a beam of light from the heaven.

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