Phase 54: Burning Winds

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Phase 54: Burning Winds

[Blazing Heart Haven – Heightsburg City]

[9:11 PM]

In the backyard of our haven filled with clean soft Bermuda grass, there lies an angel whom I really love. For sure, she will accept my request since I accepted hers.

"H-Hey, Erylle... Can you teach me some attack spells-"

"Absolutely not!" Erylle crossed her arms, now being slightly angry.

"W-Why not?"

"It's too dangerous! Besides, you are the vessel of Reginleif so we can't lose you in a silver platter! And you're a support! You know you're doing well in your job!" Now she's furious.

I didn't try to bring more arguments. I just stared at the floor, slightly guilty of what I've said to Erylle. Yeah, she has some point. She was correct in every word she said. But it feels so wrong to me. I don't want to be a decoration, or a useless human-scabbard of the Reginleif. I want to fight alongside with my loved ones. I want to have power.

"You know, Yohan..." Erylle changed to a soothing tone. It seems that all her madness is just an act. "You don't need to have power to be strong."

"Huh?" I immediately scratched my head.

"Power is the only thing in a Cursed Guardian's mind. They traded their souls for power. I don't want you to have lust or envy about our abilities."

"You're right." I said with serenity. "I'll just focus on what I can do."

Erylle then patted my head. This time, it's not that annoying. I felt comfortable whenever she's here. She's stronger now. We have a Heavenly Blade in our side, so I think I will not be needed to get stronger. I'll just support them, and watch them get stronger so that we will win our victory once and for all.

"Hmmm...So you have a point." Erylle immediately talked.


"I think I will teach you one powerful spell that will make you a lot stronger. You can read Spell Notes, right?"


Her phone started to produce a strong vibrating sound on her pocket, which brought our topic to an end. She lazily answered the call with an annoyed look on her face. Her eyebrows are even jerking. Ummm...What's the deal with her?


Her face transformed to a surprised one. Her eyes widened, not believing what she just heard. Then she looked at me with her serious eyes.

"We have to go to the Cyprine City! Right now!"


"The Eaglehorn Legion is in danger! We have to move, quick!"

"W-Wait, I'll wake the others!" I nervously exclaimed. I know I'm in a panic mode right now. Erylle too. We're producing the same stormed facial expressions.

"We have to go right now! Just the two of us might be fine. I'll call Mia to stay alert, just in case."

She's right. This might be a diversionary tactic of the enemy, so we must not let our guard down. We must focus on defending our own haven first. It may be enough to send only the two of us. Besides, Erylle can use Reginleif. She has the strength of fifty Class A Guardians with the power of the Heavenly Blade inside me.

After Erylle woke Mianette up, she waved her hand at us, signaling our good luck as the both of us hopped on her motorcycle and charge with a wind-breaking speed. Cyprine City is a neighbor city of Heightsburg, which will make it only fifteen minutes of travel basing on her cool black motorcycle. So I think we can arrive in time.

Or so I thought.


Surging flames everywhere. It honestly looks like a warzone here, having all those houses engulfed with four-meter fire. It's already midnight, but the dancing flames made it more like daytime. Temperature is continuously raising which makes the two of us drip with sweat.

The Eaglehorn Legion's Haven resides in a small subdivision far away from the city proper, but I never thought that this place looks like a deserted burning village. No screams or people. Only the cracking of burnt charcoal and the songs of the flames are the ones breaking the midnight silence.

Erylle started the engine again, and we patrolled the subdivision with speed. I used my <Timelock> ability to survey through the surroundings, until I finally got an unusual shadow-like movement behind the tall flames.


We left the motorcycle and slowly moved closer to the shadow. Erylle materialized wide wrist bow and pointed at the shadow, while I moved closer with my shield. This is scary, but I have no choice. I'm the one with the protection here.

"Who's there!?" It was a familiar woman-like voice.

"C-Caroline!? It's me, Erylle!" Erylle replied with a shaking but relieved tone.

"Erylle! Oh, thank the heavens!"

A purple haired woman appeared with a blonde man on his shoulders. They both look ill as they were covered with burns, scratches and even blood. They both have rag-like clothes. Seriously, who did this awful thing to them!?

"Please help Felix! He's not doing well!"

I immediately used my <Healing Touch> to heal the blonde guy's bruises and slices on random parts of his body. I can't believe that the Legion Master of the Eaglehorn Legion suffered this kind of injury. He is a Class A Guardian, so that Cursed Guardian must be a dangerous foe.

"I'll search this area for survivors."

Erylle then slowly went to me, but I didn't bother to notice her since I'm focused on healing Felix. But then she immediately made an evil grin and grabbed my chest!


A blinding light flashed from my heart as her hand slowly withdrew the white sword with a golden hilt. When the light from my chest faded, she started to laugh like she's doing it on purpose. Well, she just did. It's not painful to have the Heavenly Blade pulled out from my heart, but the way she just did it to surprise me hurts a lot...

"Ooops, I'm sorry!" Erylle covered her mouth like a noble.

"I-Is that..." Caroline was fallen dumbstruck. In response, Erylle just nodded at her.

"I'll use Reginleif to teleport all over the place. Yohan, if something happens, just shout, okay? The same goes for you, Caroline."



After three minutes of healing, Felix started to cough. Her wounds are almost completely healed thanks to my new spell, the <Healing Touch>. Now I feel like I deserve to be their healer forever. But it took too long than any other time. My head feels heavy for some reason. Am I exhausted?


Felix started to mumble his words, like she wanted to say something important but he was too week. His left lung was damaged a few minutes ago so he's having trouble to get some air. Wait, is this his dying words? But the healing process is successful so far. Did I miss an organ?


"...What is it?"


It doesn't look like his dying wish though. His blue eyes are still sparkling and his heart is now beating normally. But he's really catching his breath, making it very hard to understand what he's talking about.


A huge whistle of the wind came through my left ear that looked like a surprise first and final blow to slice my head off.

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