Another A/N

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I know another authors note. Fight me. But this one is REALLY IMPORTANT.
My style of writing is very odd and something editors hate so it's sometimes difficult to pull my plot out of my stories. (I have written other stories but they are not posted here) I'm just going to say what the plot actually is and what inspired me to write this.
The original story line is about this chapter Indigo's fears and why she can't love the other character Jazlyn. Finally admitting things to herself was also an important aspect. (My name is Indigo and I named the character Indigo because i've always loved that name. My name wasn't always Indigo but because of certain events I prefer it.) This story is going to suck but that's okay.
I was actually inspired by my friend NatterBatter. She really has helped me with some things again I don't want to talk about. This also featured some of my closest friends, or characters inspired by them. Anyway NatterBatter wanted a story so I wrote her one because I wanted to amuse her.
Also the next chapter will be up tomorrow. I would post it now but it's 2am. I have insomnia so I can't really sleep. But I don't want to post a part and not be sure about it. So i'll write when i'm not laying on the floor, listening to Melanie and wishing I was at home.
Anyways bye my frens

I Fell For The Girl  I couldn't Haveजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें