Let's Make the Sky Blue Again

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"Yield, all of you!" Confidently shouted FaithHeart, "You don't stand a chance against the rebellion!" Ella stared backing off, her ears flopping down as she felt the guilt for fighting on a side between two ponies she cared for on some level. Yet she knew what she had to do. Ella, however did surprisingly find a smirk upon CrumblingLight's worn out, flushed face.

"Well we can easily match your army, we have two gods bending their will to my command," CrumblingLight proudly remarked looking towards Cadence and Discord. And despite the poison spat out with her statement the two looked prideful. "These two and the rest of my great companions equal an army far greater than yours will ever be!" CrumblingLight hissed, still leaning on her spear from her currently weak state after being pushed from a cliff.

It was obvious FaithHeart was racking her brain for a comeback, yet it appeared she was still getting around that she was insulting her 'mother'. Ella Harmony stepped forwards, looking into FaithHeart's eyes for any emotion....


This pony was hell-bent on killing CrumblingLight, and bringing back the blue sky to the point she couldn't think straight... doesn't that mean she would be killing her 'mother'? FaithHeart narrowed her eyes lifting her hoof slightly, sending a signal via body language... Time to fight.

The rebellion ran forward towards CrumblingLight and her small group of misfits as they were still regaining there own composure. Ella was in multiple mental conflicts at once, how unjust this was and how to stop FaithHeart from fighting CrumblingLight and take her on herself. Ella maneuvered herself to where CrumblingLight was positioned ready to take on the weak soldiers, but Ella would be the soldier, a strong soldier. As Ella ran towards CrumblingLight she looked around seeing dragon-Discord bite and slash at the many ponies who could only dream to take down Discord in this form. She also saw the sweet Melodic tossing a bladed range weapon to and fro with no problem, an alicorn Ella never has seen before was using her magic to fight the oncoming attackers. An earth-pony colt with dynamite. Ella shook her head to reach CrumblingLight before FaithHeart could. She passed ponies who used to be friends trying to commit mass homicide on innocent ponies convicted for being masterminds of a horrible dream made reality, Sombra and Chrysalis were the real masterminds making CrumblingLight their puppet, a pawn in their game. Ella wouldn't allow it, she'd be a distraction to buy time and talk about what is really going on. She ran up to the pegasus swinging her weapon, but the other dodged letting Ella hash at the ground falling over.

"What are you doing?" CrumblingLight drawled unamused, finally gaining balance. Ella just looked away, lifting her gem axe with her magic. CrumblingLight smiled smugly. "Okay then, I guess you are looking to fight then?" CrumblingLight asked, but obviously didn't want an answer. She tightened the grip of the faded spear in her hooves leaping up ready to wound the princess.

Ella gasps and pivots herself out of the way, and CrumblingLight adjusts and swings in the new direction. Ella Harmony leaped in time, however she wasn't left unscathed as a large cut was on her back left hoof. CrumblingLight swings relentlessly at Ella and Ella Skillfully dodges it with ease, the grunts of anger arose from Crumbling's throat. Ella kept dodging waiting for some kind of opening to explqin the misfortune the pegasus has found herself in. CrumblingLight growls at Ella spinning her weapon till it was at the green axe part of it. The tan mare tosses the weapon at the white alicorn, but as she had quick reflexes Ella ducked. The weapon slammed into the ground clanging against the cracked soil, CrumblingLight rushed over to it and picked it up hollaring Ella's name in a jarring tone.

FaithHeart attention was grasped by the pegasus' cry, she turned quickly and sprinted to CrumblingLight ready to kill her. Ella turned and saw the infuriated mare quickly bound towards them and all the fur on her neck stood straight. 'My plan!' She thought panicking.

"L-listen CrumblingLight, this isn't who you are o-okay? You are a good mare, we just have to get rid of those two who are controlling you," Ella rushed her sentence nervously eyeing the other pegasus. CrumblingLight pulled a face and dropped her weapon as if everything made sense for the first time.

CrumblingLight was suddenly flung across the floor in pain. FaithHeart stood there a twisted smile on her face, she walked slowly up to her and lifted her sword and brought it down to kill her once and for all but...

The faded spear was blocking the swords path to Crumbling's vitals by a violet mare with golden hair of a godess. CrumblingLight painfully looked up to see the spirit who has guided her for the first time ever. Almost immediately FaithHeart fell back with a horrified look on her face, SweetHeart looked disappointed and livid the scene was a dramatic one at that from Ella's eyes.

"FaithHeart, you're a big girl now and I've let you make you own decisions. However your path has been twined with one of hatred and vengeance, so I SweetHeart won't let you continue down your sinful path. SweetHeart's spear twisted and cracked as she let it go, but a light behind her began to make itself shine. CrumblingLight awoke from her dazed state to see out of thin air her own weapon began to take shape.

A scythe white a white handle and black blade took form complete with a ribbon and uplifting words on the blade in small elegent print. CrumblingLight got up with the help of SweetHeart before fading away with a thankful nod. CrumblingLight picked up the large scythe with care, everyone stopped fighting to witness the forgotten magic. She stared to all the ponies who in return stared back ready to hear her words.

"I hope you know it isn't my fault completely of why our beloved Equestria is gone, but please know I-no we can fix it," everypony before her rejoiced, even FaithHeart who was reluctantly in tears. "Let's make the sky blue again!"

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