For your sake

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You turned your back on me after I forgive you... and what do you do... YOU BETRAYED ME!!

P-Please I'm sorry!






Ella abruptly woke up from her nightmare, she saw the silhouettes of the ponies, but the voices were raspy. She shook her head hoping it would evacuate her memory, she looked up from her bed. This much be the catch of having a good room, nightmares. Sounds like something the CrumblingLight Ella knew would do, why else would she give her a room with no catch?

"Ella?! Listen!!" Ella's attention snapped to the white mare in front of her.

"S-Sorry, E-Ell-" she froze and noticed a physical form of Ellen dark. "W-Wait why are you here? I thought you are still frozen in the ice pool, or locked in my dreams." Ella asked, obviously confused.

"Well I escaped just to help you. I have to warn you-" she started abrupty interrupted.

"You won't give me the same crummy warning about CrumblingLight right? I never even have seen her hurt anyone she is all bark an no bite!" Ella snapped not wanting to see false warnings. Ellen shook her head

"Number one, that wasn't false. Number two, today things will change that won't be healed, unless you understand the pony you think is concealing you here, in this case CrumblingLight."

"How can you under-"

Hush now Ella, I'll tell you a riddle you must solve to get your old ponyville back, your old life." Ella stood confused till her counterpart started chanting the riddle she had conjured up.

Her heart is still black, The sky is still red.
For whom she trusts might soon be dead.
For the queen is a killer that all will bow to
If you don't life will be a routineful chore
So accept the fact the ruler is not you.
Or sins will sit and rot your core.

Ella pondered for a minute on that riddle, she was going to ask. However she looked up and Ellen was gone. She sighed


Well she knew some of the riddle that sat on her shoulders like rocks. Ella was bound to CrumblingLight's side as a servant. Slave practically. She stood up and wandered out of the room, she never saw CrumblingLight's room... she knew it was a bad thing to do. penalty? probably death. She turned around and walked down the hallway she noticed the pictures were odd, they were CrumblingLight each year after her rule. How is that possible?!?!? She ruled only for an afternoon when Ella was sleeping, this question killed her.

She. Had. To. Ask. Now. She quickened to a trot and almost tripped when she walked down the spiral stairs, but she stopped. She and Fluttershy were talking, laughing, smiling. 'Nevermind... The question wasn't even that important!' She thought, the bitterness filled her mind and thoughts. She envied CrumblingLight, where was ChaoticDawn when she needed him?! In fact where was he in general? NOT HERE or he would be by her side. She rolled her eyes and noticed something CrumblingLight's armrests were higher than they should be, just high enough to cover her cutiemark, actually her wings were always closed covering her cutiemark. What was her cutiemark even? Maybe by that she could figure out the riddle!

She went to sneak around her and see her cutiemark, but the armrests made it so it wasn't visible. She opened her mouth to sigh, but-


She fell over and gasped instead she looked up and saw the fear plastered on CrumblingLight and Fluttershy's faces, but Fluttershy had another emotion too. Regret?

"CRUMBLINGLIGHT WHAT IS HAPPENING???!!!" Ella rasped she was so confused by the strong leader's sudden fear.

"T-the rebellion..." her voice was full of the fearful emotion. The sound of loud hoofsteps booming against the stone sidewalk, the rebellion was mentioned a few times, but never seemed important. "Fluttershy go set up the attacks Ella support and attack those who threaten the outside.

"Y-You aren't getting them are you?!" Fluttershy asked concerned, CrumblingLight looked into her eyes and nodded. And the pegasus took of into a hallway behind her throne. "Come quickly Ella, don't submit to them or that will be proving CrumblingLight is evil... I know good is in her so do your best before she gets the surprise." Ella nodded at Fluttershy who was putting on the armour she has seen before. Ella used her magic and grabbed some from the shelf, she knew this wouldn't end well, yet she knows they haven't lost a battle since CrumblingLight still had control.

She left the front door and froze in shock. Ponies were really at war doing all in their power to stop the invasion of the rebellion. She could feel her legs buckle, but before she could fly to get off her legs magic pushed her to the ground... Powerful magic... Chaotic magic...


CrumblingLight pelted through the halls as if her life depended on it... it did though, if the rebellion actually got their hands on her they'd probably kill her for the 'sins' she has committed. Well she has back up this time, she approached the crystal doors and chanted.

"THERE CAN ONLY BE HATE!" Once she said that the door opened for her and she kept her pace until she reached a dark room. Her wings illuminated the area so she didn't need to worry, she chanted the same words and a black crystal rose to the ground. Cadence was inside her face forever screaming. She unlocked the crystal and cadence unfreezes.

"-and that isn't even the end of it!" She yelled kicking nothing.

"Cadence! I have no time just give this," CrumblingLight nabs a necklace around Cadence, it had a key on it. She switched it with a necklace with a pink crystal. "Ok... listen princess-priss, this necklace will kill you immediately if you try to help the rebellion." CrumblingLight said coldly.

"Y-yes... yes ma'am." She saw the pony sadden at the words, she smiled. Pain always gave CrumblingLight joy. "I won't help my husbands side for your sake."


Sorry delay, I had terrible writer's block, and all mysteries will be answered so new ones can slip in. My drawing hae improved and on youtube I am drawing this series so I can voice it. I'm sick so that is delayed too. The art will be good hopefully.

Btw the C and L on the rebellion sheild stands for Celestia and Luna not CrumblingLight even though it seems so. BYE

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