~1~ I'm Not After Him, I'm After His Ramen

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  • Dedicated to Tori Caitlin Alford

Finally edited this, you can now find it more digestable. 


"This can't be happening to me," I groaned as I sat on the edge of the bathtub with my face buried deep in my hands as I thought back as to what just happened, it was a total disaster. "Why, why, why, does it have to be me?!

It all began this evening when I was innocently lazing in my room listening to a playlist my friend Trina made on my iPod who evidently has an amazing taste in music. I turned another worn page of  my favorite book, Classic Greek Myths. I am and always have been a sucker for a great classical tale and this book just happens to be as thick as Bradley Cooper is dreamy so it was best suited to keep me occupied on a lazy Sunday.

I was just about to get to another story where Zeus couldn't keep it in his pants when my mother flung my door open. 

The sight of her made me die a little inside. My mother's visits are not welcomed, rare but nontheless a nusance as she usually wants me to complete another meaningless task like translate her demands about the hedges to our Spanish gardener.

Closing my eyes I could only hope she would leave as soon as possible, causing the least amount of damage in her wake.

"Chloe! Get up you lazy brat!" I could hear her screeching like an Irish banshee even with my ear buds tightly nestled inside my ears. With a sigh I took one of my ear buds off hoping that she would spare my mirror from breaking and said "hey mum."

"Come down in an hour wearing something formal, we have guests coming over for dinner," she ordered, tapping her foot impatiently so fast that it could fly off and fling into my face. At least that would put me out of my misery.

I groaned, knowing I'd be wasting another one of my afternoons with another one of my dad's boring clients. I looked at my mom, bad mistake, she gave me one of her world famous "shut-up-and-listen-or-I'll-disown-you" looks. I shivered involuntarily and gave her a "yes, ma'am," with a slight smirk. "Chloe!" she said angrily gritting her teeth, "I thought I told you to never call me that!"

I winced since she screamed the last part and I was in such a calm state of mind that did not welcome such obnoxious squeaks. Then she turned her head throwing her straight, fake blonde hair back and just as she was about to leave she paused, much to my dismay, "oh and Chloe, don't disappoint your father this time," she said and left as quickly as she had come.

There really wasn't any getting out of this, was there?

I plugged my iPod into my surround-sound speakers that I got some guy in my dad's company to tweak so it would blast the music even louder, and played all the 3oh!3 songs I had on my iPod, just to piss my mom off. 

Time for a shower then. Iwalked into the corridor leading to my huge bathroom. Our whole house is pretty large because my parents are well-off. My dad founded a company that makes all sorts new electronics, Sirus Micro. It's pretty well-known worldwide and successful I guess.

Slipping out of my Slipknot t-shirt and black bleached skinny jeans, I got into the shower to clean the non-existant dirt off of my body. I mean I had been home for the whole day so I should be pristine as a mint edition of the first Batman comic but I'm a bit of a germaphobe and it couldn't hurt.

I turned the shower off and wrapped my body in a towel before stepping onto the heated tiles of my bathroom, one of this things I loved about my house. As I blow-dried my short copper-tinted hair I teased myself about the shape of my face. It was long, just like my father's and I has the same small nose that he did. Thankfully I had my mother's soft and playful green eyes and the spots of freckles that she had surgically removed which I thought was rediculous because it added ten years to her face and emphasized her wrinkles.

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