"I can only speculate, but Dreki knows. He was my mother's dragon, Niohoggr."

"What are your plans Brie?"

"Not sure yet, but I must go to Sam, that I am sure of."

"I think getting there before Loki may be best Brie. Harald Bloodaxe is known for his fairness and famous for his hospitality."

They sat for the morning meal then Brieanna left for the cave behind the waterfall. She felt strongly she would find her dragon there.

It just past the noon hour when Brieanna arrived at the cave. She climbed into the small opening, then lighting a lamp walked deep into the cave. Dreki remained silent as she approached. The dragon appeared to be sleeping, but she knew Dreki was watching her through partially veiled eyes. She sat on the ground and leaned her back up against the dragon. "I'm tired Dreki," she said as she absently rubbed the dragons belly.

"I love when you do that!" Dreki groaned, involuntarily swaying his tail and tapping his hind leg.

"I thought you were awake."

"How much do you remember little one."

"Quite a bit, my mother named you Niohoggr."

"Yes...I thought Loki might stimulate your memory. I also realize that you probably hate me now."

"Hate you? Never, where have you been?"

"Hiding here, Loki terrifies me."

"You're a huge ferocious dragon, you could crush him."

"He wants to control me. If he approaches me I enter a trance. Something about his smell."

"He does stink, reminds me of catnip. Thought nothing of it...that is how he drew you down when my brother Greg and I were flying."

"Yes, I could not resist."

"I remember he threw something at you."

"Yes, it would have totally put me in his power."

"You somehow avoided it, didn't you?"

"It would have struck you too, and Greg. That I would not allow."

"Dreki, you have more control than you give yourself credit for."

"Then you fell."

"Did you catch me?"

"I caught you by your leg. I flew you away from him. I saw Abigail gathering herbs and put you down close to her. I am so sorry little one. I never meant to hurt your leg."

"What happened to Greg?"

"He died within seconds, he bled out before I realized he had been struck by the arrow. I could do nothing. He asked me to stay with you. I burned his body."

"You have been watching me ever since?"

"No, once you were safe I traveled, trying to erase the memories of my failure. I did not recognize you when you first entered my cave, until I saw your birthmark."

"Why didn't you return to my mother?"

"Shame, I had failed her twice."

"I don't understand."

"Loki murdered your father. I did not realize it until I caught his scent that awful day we were flying. He told me before they banished him, he confronted me and gave me the first dose of the red powder simply throwing it into my face. He forbade me to tell anyone and caused me to forget. I didn't know who he was."

"Dreki, why are you shaking?"

"The pain...awful pain. When I disobey Loki the pain starts. That's why I've been hiding..." The dragon continued to suffer severe tremors. Brieanna's hands began to glow and she touched the dragon. She could feel the pain as it racked her body. It felt as though each of her bones were being broken then crushed. Her head hurt so badly she was rendered blind. Then slowly the pain subsided as she accepted more and more of Dreki's pain into her body. Then she felt Dreki relax.

"He will never hurt you like that again," Brieanna whispered. "He has less power that you realize. You had the strength and resolve to protect Greg and me. You are more powerful than he can ever imagine."

"With you at my side yes."

"Do you know why he killed my father?"

"No, but I guess it was related to the red powder"

"I need you Dreki, Loki has taken Sam. He is bringing him to Harald Bloodaxe."

"If you could find it your heart to forgive me, and heal me little one, then I will overcome my fears and confront Loki with you."

"Have you eaten lately Dreki? You look awful."

"I've been cowering here," the dragon answered blushing in shame.

"Go fill your belly and rest. The day after we ride."


"And please, speak to my mother."

"What shall I say?"

"Tell her you are with me and we will return to Avalon when our quest is finished. Tell her I send my love."

"Will they take me back?"

"Never doubt it, we are all bonded. You said that yourself. Now fly me to my farm."

They remained cloaked as they circled down to the sod covered long house. Aednat was out and chasing the dog when she saw the dragon and ran to them shouting, "Dreki, Dreki!"

"She can see us cloaked!" Brieanna said.

"I told you the child would someday be a dragon rider, Dreki said.

"And a witch too!" Brieanna whispered.

The Dragon's RedemptionWhere stories live. Discover now