The Cupcake Phase

Start from the beginning

"I guess you'll take the usual then." He winked. I smiled up at him with a sly look in my eye as he walked away.

I turned to look at Ashley only to find her smiling at me mischievously.

"What?!" I questioned.

"Nothing." She said shaking her head and shrugging her shoulders.

"Ugh tell me." I nudged.

"Turn around." She said.

I rolled my eyes and turned to see Kody and Stella. Stella was gorgeous. She had caramel skin with beautiful poofy curls and dark brown eyes. She was on the cheer team and she was gazing dreamily into Kody's eyes with a smile plastered on her face as Kody returned the same gaze.

"Ugh don't remind me!" I grumbled as I turned back around to face Ashley.

"If i didn't know you so well, I'd think you were jealous." She said suspiciously.

"Me. Jealous. No!" I said with a laugh. "Why would i be jealous?! Im with Cam now and he is amazing!" I said with a duh tone.

"Sounds more like you're trying to convince yourself rather than me." Ashley said.

I simply stared at her.
"Im not jealous!" I said determined to convince her.

"Look. You're secrets safe with me and i shouldn't tell you, but I've talked to Kody about her and he really seems to like her. They've been on a few dates and such but he's thinking of asking her out." Ashley shrugged as she ripped her burger in half and then flashed me a questioning glance.

"What?!" I said and then cleared my throat. "Oh thats great.. for them!"

"Alright, I've got your usual. Spicy Chicken tenders with ranch, along with skittles, starburst, and heres your water." Cam said placing  my meal in front of me and his pizza in front of him.

"Thanks." I say flashing him a smile. "You're the best." He smiles back.

"So what do you think? Tomorrow night. My place. Just me, you, and a movie." Cam says.

"Sounds perfect." I say as he kisses my lips. "Buuuuttt-"

"I was hoping i wouldnt have to hear those words." Cam sighs.

"I have mid-terms next Monday and I have dedicated all my time for the rest of the week to studying." I say. "But ill make it up to you! I promise-"

"Shh. Its okay." Cam says placing a finger over my lip. "Your grades are important to you and im not going to get in the way of that." He says.

"Thank you." I say and begin eating my chicken tenders.

"Is it just me, or are they too good to be true?! I mean come on how could a relationship be that perfect!" Franny, one of Ashleys friends suddenly speak up.

"Uh... thank you?" I say with a questioning shrug.

"What she means to say is," Frannys best-friend Angelica butts in, "You guys are simply in the cupcake phase of your relationship. Everything is all fine and dandy until something... hits the fan. Then its like you're under 24 hours surveillance and when you're together its like an interrogation room."

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