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so you're probably wondering why I'm updating this book again.

when I wrote this book, I was really depressed. I still kinda am to be honest, but it's not as bad. for instance, I was thinking about suicide on the daily when I wrote this.

and reading it back, I can see it in my writing. a lot of the things I made Dan experience, were based on my own ways of thinking. like when he was crying about how everything was his fault. and no one would forgive him or care about him. and nothing would ever be okay.

and in this book, he succeeds in what I dreamed about.

so after he died, I made his life perfect. because I thought everything would be great once I left. in some sort of new afterlife and back on earth.

but I needed to come back to this because I didn't realise how messed up I made it.

I'm not gonna lie, I like the story. I'm proud of it, and I'm not taking it down. but I also won't be making a sequel.

and I just wanted to say, don't take this story as some form of excuse or reasoning to kill yourself.

your life now, here, will get better. I promise. no matter how bad it might seem right now. I promise you, it will be okay, everything will be okay.

and some of you are probably thinking, wth Logan, this story didn't make me think like that at all. what're you on about?

this ended with Dan committing suicide, and having a wonderful life. I even showed his friends being okay without them.

I promise you, pINKIE PROMISE YOU, that this is NOT TRUE

you are loved even if you don't think you are. trust me.

I love you all so much <333
please stay safe angels

keep it real ~Logan

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