Who are you?

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"Shît. Shït. Shít," Dan mumbled, pacing outside Phil's room.

Footsteps bounded down the hallway.

"We came as soon as you called."

"What happened?" PJ asked out of breath.

"It's Phil," tears welled in his eyes. "He's been having seizures. So many seizures. Some of them are violent and he shakes and they last for 5-10 minutes sometimes. But others are small, 3-15 seconds, and he just stares off into space and he looks so lost. And there's nothing they can do about it," he sobbed. "Something's wrong with his heart. And his brain. And, and-"

The door opened just then and they all turned to see the nurse. His lips parted, then closed. His eyes traveled between the three of them, sadly, before gesturing for them to follow.

They stepped inside.

"I'm sorry," the doctor said. "There's nothing more we can do."

"No," Dan shook his head, crouching next to Phil's body. "You can't. There has to be something."

"There's not," she cut him off. "We've done everything.  His bodily functions are failing him. Spend your time with him now. He only has so long," she gave him a look full of pity.

Chris and PJ sat on the other side of the bed, looking down at Phil.

His body shook slightly and his eyes fluttered open.

"Hey," Dan whispered, afraid he would burst into tears if he spoke any louder.

"Hey," Phil's thumb rubbed slowly on the back of Dan's hand.

They'd been so close. Physical therapy was really working. Everything was going back to normal and then the day Dan was able to bring him home, Phil had another seizure.

Of course, that was no big deal. He was going to have them every now and then for some months. But then he had another. And another. And another. In a matter of only two hours. And they just wouldn't stop.

The doctors wanted to keep an eye on him; see if they could find the problem and get him better.

But they didn't.

"How do you feel?" Chris asked quietly.

"Tired," Phil replied. "Really tired." His heart rate slowed. He turned his head back to Dan. "You're quiet. What's wrong?"

Dan stared at Phil like he was nuts. "I don't want to lose you, that's 'what's wrong'."

Phil's eyes clouded; his eyebrows knit together weakly. "Who are you?"

Dan froze. "Y-you don't remember me?" He choked out.

Phil barely managed to shake his head but Dan caught the movement.

"Ph-Phil..," he bit his lip, not allowing himself to cry. Not yet. "I'm your fiancé."

"Oh," his eyelids drooped. "I guess that means I love you. What's your name?"

He blinked. "Dan."

"I love you Dan," Phil smiled crookedly at him.

Dan let out a shaky breath. "I love you too."

"Am I going to die?" Phil could hear and feel his heart in his chest.

Dan shook his head. "I hope not."

"I'm sorry."

"For what?"

Phil didn't answer. "Who are you?" He asked Dan again.

"I'm Dan." He wanted to shout. "Your fiancé."

"Oh... I love you Dan."

A tear escaped Dan's eye and slid slowly down his cheek. "I love you too."

"I'm going to die," Phil told him.

"No. No Phil. No you're not. Please. You can't."

"But I am."

"Phil, listen to me. You're going to live through this."

"I'm not. And it's ok," Phil's arm lifted slowly to Dan's face; his fingers wiping away a stray tear.

"It's not ok. You can't die."


"Because dying means leaving and-" the rest was muffled into Phil's chest.

Phil breathed heavily, resting his hand on Dan's head. "I think," Phil ran his fingers gently through the brown curls. "that dying," his hand stilled. "would be an awfully fun adventure."

And then Phil's eyes shut and his body went limp and a long beep rang out in the silence.

Decided to post since it's Phil's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY PHIL!!! I can't believe he's 29! Also I'm so sorry for doing this on his birthday but... Ya I don't have a good excuse.

I'm just gonna go

Keep it real ~Logan

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