One Rose

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1 week later

After the 5th rose had died, Dan had finally gotten up out of bed. Chris marched him straight into the shower and then tried to force him to eat a huge meal.

Dan still didn't have an appetite though. He only had some water. He wrote a quick note, grabbed a full water bottle, the roses, and snuck out the door, while Chris and PJ's backs were turned.

30 minutes later, he was sitting next to Phil in the hospital. Phil looked, like he had before, horrible. He wasn't getting better, he couldn't be.

He looked over at the roses. There were only 5 left. He frowned, tracing circles into Phil's hand.

In another 20 minutes, PJ and Chris came bursting through the door, breathless.

"Oh thank god," PJ cried, running over to Dan and hugging him. "We thought you had done something drastic."

"What do you mean?" Dan asked, confused.

"Dan, you said you were 'going to be with Phil'. We don't know what that means or what you've heard about-"

"What I've heard? Is there something I should know?"

"Well," PJ bit his lip, "the doctor called while you were in bed. We were going to tell you today, but then you left and-"

"Phil is in really bad condition, Dan," Chris interrupted. "He's got a week, maybe."

"When did he call?" Panic rose in Dan's voice.

"A few days ago," PJ answered, tears in his eyes.

Dan found that he couldn't even cry. He was to empty inside. There was nothing left. And that only made him feel worse.

Dan looked at Phil's small frame. He was almost unrecognisable. And Dan knew it was true. There was no way to get around it. Phil was going to die.

Dan couldn't stand the thought but he would have to accept it sooner or later. He decided on later.

"Phil's strong. He can make it," Dan retaliated, lying to himself.

"Dan," Chris paused, "it doesn't matter how strong he is. This is inevitable. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."


3 days later

Dan still hasn't eaten. PJ and Chris are growing more and more worried each day. He's quite literally withering away. His clothes hang off of him, his face looks sunken, he can barely stand without becoming light-headed.

They practically yell at him to get some food in his stomach but he just sits there. Holding onto Phil's hand, staring as he dies in his arms.

And the flowers, oh the damn flowers, one more dies everyday, and each time it breaks Dan just a little more. Now there's only two left.

Dan watches as a flowers wilts and by the end of the day he only has the one rose.

I know it's short. I'm sorry.

Keep it real ~Logan

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