Chapter 5: Closure

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Life never go the way we wants.

But never give up. Because,

destiny will be waiting for us

with something stored..................

something better. And, when you

see that better one, just grab it

and run, not turning back. Life

always gives a second chance for

once. And always remember....

What we decide, is our


* * *

Exams, like always, were easy and boring. I never feared it. Why should I, When life itself is an inconclusive exam?! Aryaman's regular calls kept me devoted in studies; thanks to him! And so I really did knock down the cloying questions that gapped me at the exam hall.

At the end of day, I was in real haste to meet him. He, unlike other days, was excited to perceive my face and hugged me right away as I legged and reached a hand distance away his verge.

" really made me miss you!" His face gleamed with liveliness and I was in glee, hearing from him.

"That's something new for me! I me when all these girls are about......." I pretended to be nonchalant.

"Oh c'monn!!!" He drawled.

"Yeah! Leave it!" I knew he never preferred to converse about girls with me. Besides, I was his official girlfriend now.

"So, are you going for prom with
I was surprised when he knelt and held out his hands infront me. It was damn romantic and a bit cheesy too. I wrinkled nose at him.

"What! If you want to stay as my girlfriend, then you would have to put up with these cheesy things!" He winked.

"Thank God! At least you know that was cheesy!" I taunted him.

However, I was in complete hilarity hearing the word girlfriend from his mouth!

"Aahaa...then why are you blushing!" He teased me and I smelt out the flush on my face.

Oh Goddd! I felt abashed.

"c'mon...Nandini....Don't feel embarrassed. I'm no stranger. So you are coming or not?. My leg is hurting maann!!" He whined.

"Oops! Sorry..." I granted my hands to him.
                        * * *

I never thought of what to wear at prom till he asked me to go with him. The last two days before prom night, I planned and bossed on dresses and hairstyles. I was never keen on preening and sassying. But that day... I was going out with him for the first time after we confessed and I needed the seemliness to be his girlfriend.

But like always, whatever I does plan would never befall and the same happened at the prom night. I was far and away tensed and time strode with its full might!

I couldn't deck as I planned and Aryaman was already down my house with his car waiting for me to join. I did hear horn blare of his car, But couldn't dare to peep through window and give him a welcome smile. What if he presumes that I was going with him in this crappy look! I reckoned. I didn't have even done my hair.

I rethought of the prom plan and doubted whether to go. But it was impossible to turn away at that very moment and I knew, if I did, that would cause his wrath.

Brushing my hair after the momentary make over, I sprinted to the door. It was hard to stride, wearing the sleeveless pale cream gown I had picked for the special night from a nearby boutique.

LUCID DREAM! #EAH watty awards 2016Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon