Chapter 4: Return

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It had been two days since my howler confession and no calls or messages fell from Aryaman. I couldn't dare to go his home also. I cursed the stranger who alleged Saturdays and Sundays as school holidays.

I wondered, why Aryaman was doing by like a stranger. He was treating me as though I had said something atrocious. A part of me wanted a vis-a-vis envision with him. But then, the thought of looking at his gleaming dark brown orbs made it difficult to even imagine that confrontation.

How ever, l needed a return from him and I had to wait till two days for that. Mom and dad did ask me whether I had any snag in school. I was sure that they would see the heaviness in my face. Even though, it wasn't hard to wriggle out of their queries as they were no fussy parents. But I felt like an evil-doer when I lied to them.

The day of monday morning, I flipped through message folder for the sixty seventh time since I woke up from my restless sleep. I couldn't have faith in notification calls. It's really hard to suck the pain when our loved ones ignores us as if we don't even exist. My heart sobbed to meet him, to learn his reply. The instant when clock needles showed 7:30, I buckled to the school, don't even giving a proper goodbye to mom.
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Aryaman was busy with his usual flirts and wags. He was intentioly ignoring me. May be because he feared of how to return for my confession.

I kept my head down throughout the class because of the sly embarrassment I felt in facing him. But I couldn't let him go like that though. The two days' restless sleep had given me enough head ache and I wasn't a saint to put up with his ignorance play.

Rithika was in full mood and so Aryaman. Their closeness really worked me up. It felt like they would liplock if there were no one around to watch. I wondered if they would even care about that too. "ARYAMANN!!!" I screamed. He eyed me in disbelief and clenched his teeth as if to eat me. Did I do something idiotic which caused for his sudden wrath?!.

I inspected my surroundings and with a thud, grasped that the whole peer was staring at the fountain-head of the roar, which was me! It was the first time in my school life, I was standing with my head down before my peers and that too because of my absurdity. I shouldn't have yelled like that!

While standing with full of bewilderment, I didn't realise the grab on my hand. Aryaman dragged me from there.
"Are you insane! You were screaming like unstudied. Oh Goddd!...." He kept his gaze away from my face.

"hey look! You are the insane one. Not me! I'm in total sanity and that's why I didn't hit your face right away there!" I asserted and fiercely yanked my hands away from his hold.

"oh I see...and could you please explain the reason of your that "sane" performance out there!?" He chaffed, gesturing double inverted comas with his fingers. I closed my eyes in exasperation.

"Aryaman listen, you and me, both of us know that it wasn't something arbitrary".  I tried to sound calm.
"You always say that you care me, don't you" what was I asking! Of course he didn't care!
"You need proof!" At last his eyes met mine.
Wow! how easily he made me believe that he did care for me. What a pity Nandini! I was a blind, a blind who can see!
"Then why are you doing this to me?! Why the hell are you ignoring me?" I was horrified, when I realised the wetness on my cheeks. I was being an emotional half-wit.
"Nandini please...stop crying" he weeped.
"I'm not crying. And, why do you even care..ahh!?..."

Was he trying to fob my question! I wondered.
"Nandini please! Stop saying that..!" He heaved a sigh.
"OK! So you want my reply, isn't it?" My tears stopped, ears roused, yearning to hear his say.


At first, I couldn't credit his words though they were the words I longed to here from his mouth!
I had anticipated a boring lecture like he never thought of me like that, He could never imagine us being in a relationship, he want me as his best friend not as a girlfriend etcetera etcetera......and then his really did amaze me! My heart jumped with joy.

Ah!!!What a dump I was! How I fell for him and then........

                         * * *
It had been two weeks since the confession and everything was going well, or it seemed so. We, Aryaman and I, were happy. Or may be, I felt so. Those were the days my mind and heart, both flew with love and gladdens.

Days passed by and exam dates were close. I was absorbed in each and every moments with Aryaman and completely banished the thought of studies. I had to revise the chapters and wasn't disposed to leave his side.

" is your studies going?" I observed Aryaman. We had got at Sahib's restaurant and was skimming over the exam timetable. "Hmmm...." He grunted. "What!" It was damn annoying when people stood heedless to our words. Chiefly Aryaman.
"Are you here? I mean...... I was observing you since a few days and you seem to be pissed off. Is there any problem?" I was sure that he was hiding something from me. But never ever thought that the reason was.........
"No no! Nothing" he blurted out. "You were saying something? Hmmm....yeah! about studies, right! Hm..yes...I'm trying..." He stuttered. I squinted my eyes in suspicion.
"C'mon...why are you being!...interrogative?!  I'm good. Truely I'm!" He tried to explain.
"OK, ok. Now leave it. Um..actually, I won't be able to meet you in coming days. You know....I will be leaving to grandma's tomorrow. It's dad's plan. He says, I could take this study leave more effectively if I'm away" I had tried hard to make dad fall in with my opinion to stay home. But he was my dad! Double Stubborn!! And for some reasons, he did right.
"I will see you at exam. Ok?. And yeah please do take my calls or I will slay you when I'm back"
He just bobbed head. He didn't even mannerly bid me and I did feel bad.

Even though we were together, It felt like we were departing. I was more close to him when we were just best friends. We had had a lot to talk then. But after we confessed, it all was long gone.

I paddled away from him. On my way to home, I pondered about Aryaman's strange savoury. I tried to see through him. But each time I went for, his face in my mind became more grievous and I felt more restless as if something bad was looming around. And I didn't know then, that life was waiting for me with something I really dreaded.

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That is it for now. Next chapter will be the close down of Nandini's first love. And yes! the awaited Mr:Manik Malhotra's turnout will be here very soon.
Before that, pls do drop down your valuable comments and votes. Silent guys would feel my incessant pain only if you were writing a fanfic or sth like me. So do react. pls... Even if it is to criticize, I would be happy. So...pls....respond.....
Alyssa Isabel(wattpad)

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