Chapter 3: Confession

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The instant we trotted past the
second vault of alley, I knew
where we were heading to. I
sprinted, driving at our destination. Aryaman straggled behind. I hinged my body to check whether he was still behind. He was scuttling and panting like a five year old. I sniggered at his speed. It seemed like his pace was stagnating and I tittered again and again. His lips pouted, emanating the cuteness of his face. I smiled.

He minced with full might and tallied me. I turned my face away and tried hard not to laugh at him. "How fast you are.... Why don't you try for Olympics! Ah! I could never match up you. What does your mom give, horlicks or boost?" He sounded horse with the unwonted exercise of the day. I just showed my tongue and kept my face firm.

I wasn't in strife with him. But pretended to be. I should throw-back, shouldn't I? And, it wasn't even close to what he did. "I have a tame docter. He gives me fake medical reports whenever I need a day off. So don't worry. We won't get caught" I wasn't surprised when Aryaman talked impostures, unabashed. He was never pretentious at my face.

"Oh! You are still musing over it?" I faked queerness. "Then what? You were the one who was whining" he mumbled. I stared at him and he shunted his face away. "Oh don't blush!" I breathed at his ear. "WHAT!" his face was damn scary when he scoffed it. I curbed a laugh and his posture tightened. "Kidding man! just tried one of your wack jokes on you. What!! You aren't the only one who can joke!" I smirked at his boggled face.

He shook his head. His lips curved up to a brisk smile. "You are a play school child in this, You know!" his face was gleaming. "Yeah right! Wanna have a race?" I winked. "No my mom!!" He bowed and I made a blessing gesture.

We scurried to last steps of the restaurant and trotted straight towards our usual table. Sahib's restaurant was illustrious. It had all good foods and was no gyp. His food's piquancy was something I loved. Moreover, the place had a special vibe. Even sitting there doing nothing was not dilatory. But above all that, it was Aryaman, who made the place unforgettable as it was where we first met!

We seldom went there at school hours. Students were the usual customers. So the place was always busy with the commotions and bawlings of costumers and waiters. But that day, the place seemed full of shalom without the usual bustles of humans.

I eyed Aryaman. "So, this is your plan for the day!"
His eyebrows raised as if to admonish my remark. But his lips didn't move. I skimmed over the menu chart and waited to place my order.

It was after two hundred and thirty seconds, a waiter appeared in the scene. A sturdy man of about thirty. Neatly dressed and mannered. His whiskers reminded me of my dad. He moved towards our table. I knew what to order for Aryaman. So I didn't bother to ask him. But the waiter's gaze was all over Aryaman's face and I doubted, whether he wanted something special as it was his b'day. But he just slightly bobbed his head at the waitor as if signalling for something.

"What's happening?" I was nonplussed. "What?" He was a good actor. "Between you and him!" I pointed to the door through which that man went.
"whatt? I'm not a gay..!" His fake surprise was damn annoying. "Very funny" I grimaced at his filthy joke. "Oh common Nandini! Now, you are the one who is lacking patience" he concluded. "Patience! Ah! Please don't take such words. It's not my wont to hear such heavy things from your mouth" I gazed him with a sarcastic face. "It's real hard to evade you" he said in vein.
* * * * *

It was when the huge cake was placed on our table, I slowly discerned everything. The drinks and dainty foods followed the cake. "I knew, you wanted to celebrate the day. So this all...." He smiled. "'s your b'day. I should have done all this! are giving me surprises!" I was embarrassed with my behaviour and he was like......nothing happened at all!

"Hey common! It's OK!. Usually, You are very bad at giving surprises. So, I had to do it" he made a serious face and I threw a cherry at him. He catched it and put straight to his mouth. "Hmmm...its delicious! Want one?" He winked, munching on the fruit. I laughed.

I was happy with him. He never let my face fell. My love for him was indelible. Or I believed so. He was a gilded youth, but never did by like his cachet father.

"Let us cut the cake or I will eat it as whole. It looks delicious" he kept squeezing my hand like a child. I glanced at cake. It was encrusted with chocolate balls and beads. "Oh yeah! C'mon" we heeded to the cake and cut it, singing birthday songs. He moved a large piece to my mouth and I pecked at it. The next one hour, we were busy in gorging ourselves with boned chicken and fiery drinks.

Our words were muffled with mouthful of food. So we kept 'not speaking while eating' as a taboo for a while. The instant we were done, Aryaman started the conversation on our music classes.

I had joined the musical classes, only because of him. But Aryaman was very fond of Indian classicals where as I was a lover of pops and breaks.
"Exams will be here in just one month and then.....we will be no more high school students! Wow!" He was excited and I felt dizzy. 'What after school' always remained as a question mark for me and I had had to decide within a month. Aryaman had promised me that he will be where I'm. And I had to choose the best for both of us.

I loved music. But never thought of considering it as a profession. So like everyone, I thought of taking science as the main subject. Even though Aryaman never liked bio-maths, he agreed to my will. 'But I will choose the college'- he had said.

"I need to get to the school now, or the professor would call my home" I got up to leave. Aryaman didn't say anything and I stared at him for a reply. "Yeah bye!" I felt my heart stinging when he baldly bid me with a single 'bye'. I wanted him to stop me.

"I love you"

I was horrified when I picked out what I said. I bited my tongue. Oh my God!! What did you say Nandini!!!
I couldn't dare to look at his face. I strode from there, clumbing down on my desire to turn back.

That was the day my life changed. That was the day everything altered between him and me. That day, I never knew that he would turn to be the most sinful person I have ever met! And I still remember that day, as one of the beautiful and dreaded days I had in my life.


So, what would have happened between Nandini and Aryaman after that day of her confession that Nandini started loathing Aryaman? guys must have to wait for it to be unrolled.
But yeah...please do drop your guesses on the comment box. Ok??
I'm waiting...
Alyssa Isbel(wattpad)

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