Fifth Day

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"Erica." Her head snaps towards me.

"He's dead Charmaine. Dead." Her legs give away and I catch her before she can fall.

"I know...Let's go down." I help her down the stairs. Everyone else is in the living room. Some of them are injured as well. Gerald has a long gash across his cheek and Sheila has a blackened eye.

"Erica, what happened?" Sheila asks when she sees us.

"Go see for yourself."

"Lewis is dead. He hung himself." I say.

"Guilt drove him to death," Ronald says darkly.

"Wait, so if Lewis committed suicide, then that means the killer didn't kill anyone this round." Dave observes.

"The killer tried to kill me." All heads in the room swivel round to look at me. "That's how I got hurt." I gesture to my leg.

"Out of so many people who the killer tried to kill, you're the one who survived? This seems suspicious to me." Mark raises his eyebrows at me.

"I've always felt she seemed kinda suspicious. Justin wasn't totally sense- less." Dave adds.

"Cut it off guys." Sheila says. "Hasn't Charmaine been the one who was always helping us?"

"She did that to trick us. If you haven't noticed, I don't see you and Erica dropping dead on the floor." Dave says, standing up from his seat on the floor. I suddenly feel a wave of rage and hatred at Dave.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sheila gets up too.

"You and Erica are her best friends, that's why you're both not dead. Maybe she faked that injury to lie to us."

"I trust her," Ronald gives Dave a hard glare.

"Maybe you two were in this together."

"You think I would kill Ash?" He replies in a dangerously silent tone.

Dave seems to be speechless now.

"Just continue..."Ronald sighs

"I have a bag," I say, pulling it out of my pocket.

"Me too," Erica says.

I open my bag and take the card out and so does Erica.

"You read yours first," she says.

"Okay. I got a hint card." I feel slightly disappointed. I wasn't looking forward to playing in the next round. "It says: 'I'm the person you least suspect.'"

"That's not even a clue." Mark grumbles.

"I told you guys it wasn't Charmaine." Sheila says.

"How do we even know whether the hint is real or not?" Dave challenges.

"I guess we can't," I mumble. "Erica what's on your card?"

"It's a task card." I'm shocked by how dead her voice sounds. "It says take the gun under the coffee table... and...kill someone." She walks over to the coffee table, reaches under it, and pulls out a revolver. She turns it around in her hands, as if examining it's deadly beauty.

Slowly, she puts the end to her temple.

"NOOOOOOO!!!!" I scream.

She pulls the trigger.

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