Third Night (Part 2)

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I go up the stairs by myself. Sheila and Erica are my best friends, and I want to trust them, but I don't know if I should. I hear someone coming up behind me.

"Who's there?" I ask fearfully.


"Haley?" She grips my hand and I jump.

"Can I come with you? I'm scared." I'm about to say no but I can feel her trembling, hear her quick shallow breaths. She seems genuinely scared.

"Okay, you can come but walk in front of me."


We reach the second floor. I trip over something and fall flat on my face.


"Charmaine? What happened?"

"I tripped."

"Hey! I found a bag."


"Yeah." We move forward slowly, Haley screams suddenly.

"Haley? Haley?" I move in front catiously and nudge something warm, her body. "Haley? Haley?" I say as I feel something warm and wet on my hand. I feel for her head, blood is all over. I should call for help, should tell someone, but I'm worried the killer might be nearby.

I quickly head to the stairwell and rush up to the third floor. I collide into something as I turn a corner.

"Aaaahhh!" My scream is muffled as a hand clamps over my mouth.


"Hmm woo." The hand is still firmly on my mouth.

"I'm going to let go now, don't scream." I feel the hand moving away slowly.


"Are you Charmaine?"


"We'd better go separately." he says. I nod, but then remember he can't see me.

"Okay." I say. The lights turn on at that moment. I see him standing in front of me, his eyes bloodshot, blood flowing from his left shoulder, staining his shirt a dark crimson

"What happened?" I ask him as we descend the stairs into the living room.

"The so called booby traps." he says through gritted teeth.

"Did you get any bags?"


"You?" I shake my head.

We carry Haley down from the first floor. There is a knife through her eye into her brain. Another one of us dead.

When we go down, the rest are already there. Gerald is stirring but Kimmy is still out. Amy gasps when she sees us carrying Haley in.

"She was killed on the first floor." I say quietly, but the room is in silence so my voice carries.

Ash is trembling, "I can't take it anymore, the..." The lights go off immediately and when they turn back on, Ash is on floor, a rope around his neck.

"NO! He tried to warn us." Ronald falls to the floor on and holds Ash's hand. They had always been the closest. "No..." He starts to cry.

I pull the tablecloth off the coffee table. "We should close his eyes." I say. Ronald slides his fingers gently over his face, and I lay the cloth on both Ash and Haley.

Why did this have to happen?


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