Second Day

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"So no one died. The detective suspected the wrong person. Let's vote."

"I..." Gerald hesitates for a moment. "I think it's Ryan."

"Hey! It's not me, you can't just go around blaming anyone you like."

"If that's what you think I'm doing, you're wrong. I want to find out who's the killer just as much as anyone else okay?" Gerald answers frustratedly. Ryan stands up with such force that his chair goes skidding across the floor.

"IS THAT WHAT YOU'RE DOING?! CALLING ME A LIAR?!" His hands shoot out so quickly no has time the time to react. His hands wrap around Gerald's throat and he slams him into the wall.

"STOP! STOP!" Some of the boys quickly get up from their seats and pull Ryan back. Ryan suddenly seems to snap out of his reverie. He looks at Gerald, then at his hands.

"No... no...." He shakes his head and backs away from everyone slowly. "I'm sorry... so sorry..." His eyes glisten with tears. Without warning, he suddenly runs straight into the wall. People rush to him at once. His skull is cracked, blood flowing down his entire face.

"Why did he do that?" Haley sniffs.

"He was horrified by what he had done to Gerald."

"But he didn't have to die." Kimmy suddenly collapses on the floor.

"She's fainted!"

"Move away! Give her some air." Mary shoos us away.

"What do we do now? There are already three of us dead, and with Kimmy and Gerald out... What do we do?" As if on cue, The lights switch off and when they turn on, there is another note on the table.

This is getting boring. I've unlocked the door. You all are to go up to the ground floor. Do not try to look for your phones, I have hidden them. Anyone who tries to get help or tries to escape will be killed. Don't worry, the fun isn't over yet.

Ronald opens the door and peeps out catiously. "I'll go first," he says as he begins to climb the stairs.

"You guys can come up now!" He calls several minutes later. We all go up the stairs carefully.

My heart is racing.

The Mafia Game (Completed)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang