First Night

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We sit around the table, twenty of us. It's our usual Friday night hangout, and we've decided to play mafia. I really like this game, I like the excitement of it.

"Everyone pick a card," Ash calls out.

Erica passes the bag to me where all the cards are in. I rummage around for a moment before drawing one out slowly. Please, please, please...

I turn it over slowly. A number card. My heart sinks a little, I got a civilian card, which means I'll basically be doing nothing throughout the entire game. Bummer...

If you've never played mafia before, its very simple. There's the moderator, the killer, the detective, the doctor and the civilians. The moderator will ask everyone to close their eyes, then ask the killer to open their eyes. The killer is supposed to indicate who he wants to 'kill' by pointing at any person. The doctor is supposed to choose a person to heal and the detective is supposed to find out who's the killer. There's a voting every round where one person is eliminated if he or she is suspected as the killer. The civilians don't have any special role and only take part in the voting.

"Everyone close your eyes," Ash says. He's the moderator, and will be keeping track of the whole game. "Killer open your eyes." Everyone remains silent while the killer makes the decision.

"Okay, killer close your eyes. Doctor open your eyes." I feel a slight movement to my right, where Sheila is sitting next to me, but I'm probably thinking too much.

"Doctor close your eyes. Detective open your eyes. Who do you suspect?" The whole room is in silence. I feel a slight queasiness in my stomach, this round is going to end soon.

"Detective close your eyes. Now, everyone wake up."

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