“It sounds very lovely,” I said and I smiled. “I think I want some of it.”

“I will get you some.”

“Really? Thanks!” I smiled happily. “So, what shall we do now? I have nothing really to do today and I guess we can spend some time together. After all, we both have nothing special to do unless you count arranging you wedding.”

“We could go and look at stuff inside of stores or something. I want to do something that involves looking at stuff in stores.”

“That’s a good idea.”


I walked into the dress shop I got Lindsey’s dress at and I placed my hands on the counter. “Excuse me?” I said and a girl looked at me carelessly. “I’m here to pick up my sister’s wedding dress. I want to make sure I get it out of here as soon as possible so she can model it in front of the parents.”

The girl nodded. “What’s your name?”

“My name is Amy Chambers,” I answered and she walked into the back area.

She returned moments later and she held up the dress. “It seems like the dress is ruined,” she told me and I looked at her in shock. “I guess one of our newbies ruined it. Do you want to get her another dress or do you want to maybe get a refund?”

“I want a refund and don’t bother with the new dress. I will prepare something myself and it’ll be way better,” I snapped and I turned and walked out of the store. I pulled out my cell phone and called Jason. “Hey, Jason? Can you meet me at Walmart within a half hour?”

“Sure,” Jason said.

“Okay, thanks. I’ll see you at the one new our house,” I told him and I hung up.

I got into my car and I closed the door. I buckled my seatbelt and started my car. I drove to the Walmart near my house and I parked my car next to Jason’s car. Somehow he always beats me somewhere. It’s weird but it could be because of my driving. Sometimes I am too slow and sometimes I’m too fast.

I got out of my car and I locked the doors. “We have to make my sister a new dress. Some person at the dress shop ruined it and now we need to replace it. I don’t want to buy her another dress so I thought about making her one. I’ve sewed a few times in my life but nothing as big as a dress. I have only done t-shirts so I have to make sure to make a dress she likes. Do you think you can help me pick out some stuff here?”

Jason nodded his head. “Yeah, I can do that. I will help you pick out the best fabrics and materials for the dress.”

We went inside and walked to the fabric area of the store. I picked out a pure white fabric to make out of the dress part and then I got a sparkly sheer fabric to go over the white part of the dress. Jason picked up a golden white small fabric and some fake gems along with some glue to put them on. I grabbed a few more things and I picked up a sewing machine and handed it to him.

“You have to carry that and I will carry all the fabrics.”

He nodded. “That sounds like a good idea to me.”

We took our items to the front and paid for them. I texted Lindsey to meet me at the house and Jason helped me out of the store by carrying the bags. I got into my car and we drove back to where Lindsey lived. I walked inside with Jason’s help and I placed the bags down.

“Okay, I’m making you a little something Lindsey!” I shouted and she walked over to me. “So, let me measure you and you go and hide out for a bit okay?”

She nodded.

I measured her all around and I sent her off.


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